ivan_shan 發表於 2013-12-1 01:44

Madonna (1982-

Madonna (1982-1987)

Madonna(1983)、Like A Virgin(1984)、True Blue(1986)、You Can Dance(1987)以及Who That Girl(Soundtrack,1987),其中後面兩張當時買的是US Long Box,前三張已經全部換成2001年的Digitally Remastered Version,每一張都Plus 2 Single 12" Remixed Versions,第二張照片則是那段時期的CD Single,其中Dress You Up(1984)是日版,包括一首B Side;True Blue則是澳洲版,與日本版的內容完全相同。

第四張照片,則是John "Jellybean" Benitez的Sidewalk Talk的US 12" Promo Single與Just Visiting This Planet(1987)大碟的2012新版。重點就在Sidewalk Talk這首歌,雖然掛名的是Jellybean的單曲,但實際上是Written、Vocal & Background Vocal By Madonna,照片上方是Side B,Side A的Dance Mix同時也放在Just Visiting This Planet(1987)的2012年版中,這張大碟還有一首Who Found Who,當年在Club很流行。

標題用的是1982年開始,因為她的Everybody是1982年就發行了12" Single,並成為Club Hit,後來收在Madonna(1983)大碟中的版本也是12" version。

ernietse 發表於 2013-12-1 01:51

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-12-1 02:20 編輯

don't you have BURNING UP single???{:1_342:}

ernietse 發表於 2013-12-1 01:56

this is my jelly bean sidewalk talk cd {:1_345:}

psb 發表於 2013-12-1 02:55

本帖最後由 psb 於 2015-1-31 11:42 編輯

Excellent photos and great collection!! {:6_178:}, have been waiting so long for this very essential thread.

天后或许有很多,但"女皇"只有一个. 永遠的女神, 无可取代. {:6_235:}. A truly talented artist and queen of pop.
Her recent album MDNA reached no. 1 on Billboard's hot albums chart in a week, 证明了她仍然主宰着全球乐坛.According to reviews, Billboard.com 發表其 2012年讀者投票的結果: Madonna 被評為 2012 MVP 最佳的四個不同類別中包括;最喜歡看板 200 No. 1 (MDNA), 最佳专辑 NO.1 (MDNA), 最佳演唱会 (MDNA Tour 2012) 和最佳電視顯示 (超級碗中場).

ernietse 發表於 2013-12-1 03:31

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2013-12-4 01:14 編輯

Here is my 1982-1987 Madonna stuff{:1_346:}

psb 發表於 2013-12-1 12:15

You guys are really lucky to have all these "assets".

The "Who's That Girl" 12" extended long/remix version is very much danceable and beat-heavy for dancefloor in contrast with the original soundtrack album version{:1_351:}. The "True Blue" Japanese EP photo artwork is 超正!{:6_134:}, I could just buy this single for the cover photo alone {:6_127:}. The photo on the "True Blue" US long box is so much better compared to the "big Madonna" face on the CD album. All these singles in you two guys' photos are classics!!!!

I wish I was born earlier to have collected what you guys did. When I started to collect Madonna's releases, it was already way too late {:6_126:} ..I was still in primary school (about 11 to 12 years old) when "True Blue" album was released but kept watching "Papa Don't Preach" and "La Isla Bonita" MTV being aired on TV channels everyday!!!! Really hope the record company can re-issue all these singles but not just the main albums one day. She has all the essential traits to be a truly talented artist as she writes, sings, involves in her music, videos, concerts production and has stood the test of 30 years time.{:6_193:}

psb 發表於 2013-12-1 12:23

psb 發表於 2013-12-1 12:15 static/image/common/back.gif
You guys are really lucky to have all these "assets".

The "Who's That Girl" 12" extended long/remix ...

I forgot one thing, she is a bloody hell good dancer, always full of power and energy and a great choreographer for her many concerts and videos and excellent dance sequences!!!{:9_417:} {:9_416:} {:9_415:} {:9_409:} {:9_425:}

35ti 發表於 2013-12-1 13:17

本帖最後由 35ti 於 2013-12-1 21:25 編輯

日版40隻3" CD singles boxset報到!

psb 發表於 2013-12-1 14:20

35ti 發表於 2013-12-1 13:17 static/image/common/back.gif
日版40隻3" CD singles boxset報到!

Very very 超正!
How much $$$ for this single box? I want also{:1_352:}
Ebay is very $$$$.

許諾 發表於 2013-12-1 19:11

我盒boxset都係發黃晒,希望會出Maxi Single boxset
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