momolee 發表於 2015-4-11 00:51

klterry 發表於 2015-4-10 12:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Catch Me If You Can_Music Video (Korean ver.) 型爆!!


lamwaikit007 發表於 2015-4-11 01:05

momolee 發表於 2015-4-11 00:51 static/image/common/back.gif


icefatgirl 發表於 2015-4-11 09:10

Girls' Generation's Sunny promises 'Catch Me If You Can' gets better with each listen

Although some fans are tilting their heads at uncertainty regarding Girls' Generation's new EDM track, "Catch Me If You Can," Sunny assured that it only gets better the more you listened to it!

On the April 10 airing of MBC radio program, 'Sunny's FM Date,' she played their new song and said, "You need to keep listening to it for it to grown on your ears.As you need to listen to it more before you come to a judgment about it, I put on Girls' Generation's 'Catch Me If You Can.'"

She humorously added, "I look different in the MV than I do here," as she looked comfortable in casual clothes rather than hot construction-worker-inspired outfits. Still looking good, Sunny!No worries.

momolee 發表於 2015-4-11 11:06

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-4-11 09:10 static/image/common/back.gif
Girls' Generation's Sunny promises 'Catch Me If You Can' gets better with each listen

Although some ...

SUNNY 個樣無以之咁CUTE{:6_191:}

icefatgirl 發表於 2015-4-11 18:02

本帖最後由 icefatgirl 於 2015-4-12 23:54 編輯

Listen to Jessica Jung sing her DELETED lines in Girls Generation’s new song “Catch Me If You Can”

After listening to Girls’ Generation’s newest track “Catch Me If You Can,” fans noticed that the tune was quite familiar.
After some research, fans discovered that the catchy chorus of the new song was in fact leaked by former member Jessica Jung during her reality show Jessica & Krystal, which featured her and her sister, f(x)‘s Krystal Jung. In episode three of the show, Jessica can be heard singing parts of the chorus as she sat down on a couch reading a magazine.
Fans were skeptical about the future of the SM Entertainment girl group after the removal of Jessica, but with “Catch Me If You Can” reaching over 1 million views on YouTube in less than eight hours of its release, Girls’ Generation has proven to still be a the top of the industry.
Fans pieced together a clip of Jessica singing the song with the recently-released music video, showing that they do fit together quite well. While fans won’t be able to hear Jessica sing in the actual music video, they can enjoy the video below!
Cr: Koreaboo

keke323 發表於 2015-4-11 18:31

Jessica 提早舉辦生日派對

Jessica 提早一週舉辦生日派對。

即將在下週六迎接26歲生日的 Jessica (1989年4月18日),提早一週於今天 (4月11日) 晚間六點 (韓國時間) 在首爾鐘路區成均館大學的新千年廳 (New Millenium Hall) 舉辦生日派對,並會進行 OX 測驗、Q&A 問答與故事分享等環節,與粉絲創下美好回憶,而派對門票所得將進行捐贈。

而 Jessica 4月10日則透過 Instagram 分享美麗的照片 (首圖) 並倒數生日派對的到來。透過留言可以感受到她等不及與粉絲見面的興奮心情。Jessica:「迷人的夜晚 #倒數一天 #金星 #一閃一閃 #祝好夢 (原文:Enchanting evening #d-1 #goldstar #빤짝빤짝 #푹잘자)」

keke323 發表於 2015-4-11 18:33

Jessica 提早舉辦生日派對

Jessica 提早一週舉辦生日派對。

即將在下週六迎接26歲生日的 Jessica (1989年4月18日),提早一週於今天 (4月11日) 晚間六點 (韓國時間) 在首爾鐘路區成均館大學的新千年廳 (New Millenium Hall) 舉辦生日派對,並會進行 OX 測驗、Q&A 問答與故事分享等環節,與粉絲創下美好回憶,而派對門票所得將進行捐贈。

而 Jessica 4月10日則透過 Instagram 分享美麗的照片 (首圖) 並倒數生日派對的到來。透過留言可以感受到她等不及與粉絲見面的興奮心情。Jessica:「迷人的夜晚 #倒數一天 #金星 #一閃一閃 #祝好夢 (原文:Enchanting evening #d-1 #goldstar #빤짝빤짝 #푹잘자)」

keke323 發表於 2015-4-11 18:37

好寸喎 {:6_138:}


8日的《深夜的 TV 演藝》播出訪問少女時代-TaeTiSeo 的片段,訪問當中,主持人提問:「會不會已經聽膩被說漂亮了呢?」Tiffany 說:「雖然常常被稱讚很漂亮,但我還是很喜歡!」反之太妍則說:「是有點已經聽膩了!」

接著 Tiffany 說:「其實比起漂亮,我更希望聽到大家稱讚少女時代全體的話,像是『很好!』、『做得好!』我都很喜歡。」

而當談到年紀的話題,徐玄說:「我們公司的後輩 Red Velvet 最近加了一位新成員 YERI,她現在才17歲 (韓國年紀),跟姊姊們 (少女時代) 差了有十歲之多,YERI 是1999年生的,小到讓我常常有『怎麼會有人在1999年出生』的想法。」徐玄話一出,讓身旁的太妍與 Tiffany 感到相當荒唐,而引起笑聲。

另外,少女時代-TaeTiSeo 母團體 — 少女時代將在4月22日推出全新日文單曲《Catch Me If You Can》。

keke323 發表於 2015-4-11 18:41

pork-bun 發表於 2015-4-10 21:52 static/image/common/back.gif

呢首仲好聽 {:6_127:}

pork-bun 發表於 2015-4-11 20:19

keke323 發表於 2015-4-11 18:41 static/image/common/back.gif

catch me if you can 聽聽下都順耳左...但比起 d 舊作都係失色 d ....
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查看完整版本: 一起共享少女時代演唱會相片,也是一起共享"少時"訊息天地

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