odysseyhk 發表於 2013-10-5 23:37

The DSD Direct Record:


Yamina – Love Letters EP

Direct To DSD

Do nothin till you hear from me
(Duke Ellington – Bob Russell)

Can’t help lovin’that man
(Jerome Kern – Oscar Hammerstein II)

Love Letters
(Victor Young – Edward Heyman)

(Antonio Carlos Jobim – Newton Mendonça – Norman Gimbel)

This recording was done at the wonderful venue Järna Kultur center. Using a AKG C12VR mic on Yaminas vocals and a stereo Thuresson on the Steinway D grand piano. The mic feeds goes through the famous Opus3 4-channel valve mixer where mild Equalizing and high-pass filters are applied. Then straight into the Korg MR2000S and captured in DSD128. Those files captured by the MR2000S are the once you are downloading. No other after processing is applied. It is essentially as real as it gets. Comparable to direct-to-disc recorded vinyls but without the losses in duplication. In otherwords Direct-To-DSD.

Picture of the recording environment!



popo388 發表於 2013-10-6 00:00

jackt 發表於 2013-10-5 22:53 static/image/common/back.gif
剛剛相反,DSD (64x) 比 PCM (24/176.4) 儲存反而少咗,
DSD: 1bit * 2,822,400 * 2 channels = 5,644,80 ...

tks ching's correction!{:6_244:}

chhanthony 發表於 2013-10-6 00:23

blue coast都有啲raw dsd recording free down

andymok 發表於 2013-10-6 02:01

本帖最後由 andymok 於 2013-10-6 02:04 編輯

a very detailed interview between recording/mastering engineers on PCM and DSD


JS: Unfortunately, the ultrasonic noise cannot be removed in mastering unless the DSD source is being transferred to PCM. The ultrasonic noise is always present in DSD signal, it cannot be removed until the DSD signal is converted to analog or to PCM. This means that the noise must be removed in the playback hardware. If the DSD DAC is equipped with a well-designed analog low-pass filter, we can achieve signal to noise ratios that start to rival some of the better PCM systems. DSD doesn’t approach the 144 dB SNR performance of a 24-bit system , but it certainly exceeds the -96 dB SNR performance of the CD format. With a well-designed filter, DSD can achieve a 120 dB signal to noise ratio, roughly equivalent to a 20-bit PCM system.


andymok 發表於 2013-10-6 02:20

a few more articles

Weiss On DSD…Gets It Right!

SnowGhost Sessions: Analog, DSD or PCM?

jackt 發表於 2013-10-6 11:03

yeleung 發表於 2013-10-5 20:00 static/image/common/back.gif

yelueng兄,呢排係咪想玩 CAS 呀? {:6_175:}

yeleung 發表於 2013-10-6 11:40

jackt 發表於 2013-10-6 11:03 static/image/common/back.gif
yelueng兄,呢排係咪想玩 CAS 呀?

已經冇用CD近5年有多了,現在約有12000個檔案,服役的是Naim NDX streaming player。只是想分析一下DSD 2.8 跟 PCM 24/96,24/192那一種會好D。

單晶銀Lover 發表於 2013-10-6 12:08

目前唔係部部DSD DAC都好聲...
如果用同一部DSD DAC播DSD file同PCM file...DSD file的確係細緻d...

jackt 發表於 2013-10-6 12:16

yeleung 發表於 2013-10-6 11:40 static/image/common/back.gif
已經冇用CD近5年有多了,現在約有12000個檔案,服役的是Naim NDX streaming player。只是想分析一下DSD 2 ...

你部機應該唔 support DSD 㗎,點比較呀?{:6_141:}

itoy2008 發表於 2013-10-6 15:43

鹹魚青菜,各有所好。x2 也同你由細到大對耳仔既慣性同取向^^
頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: PCM靚聲,還是DSD好聲 !?!?

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