PCM靚聲,還是DSD好聲 !?!?
PCM VS DSD Technology數據大小如下For PCM Data - 1 byte = 8bit
16/44.1, 24/96, 24/192, 24/384, 32/384 byte/s
16/44 > 16bit=2byte*44.1kHz = 88,200 byte/s
24/96 > 24bit=3 byte*96kHz= = 288,000 byte/sec
24/192 > 24bit=3 byte*192kHz = 576,000 byte/sec
24/384 > 24bit=3 byte*384kHz = 1,152,000 byte/sec
32/384 > 32bit=4 byte*384kHz = 1,536,000 byte/sec
DSD Data - 1bit/2.8MHz (1 bit - 0.125 byte)
1/2.8MHz > 1bit=0.125byte*2800kHz =350,000 byte/s
如有錯誤請糾正{:6_162:} 無一定答案 非必然,聽過PCM更自然好聽
但這關乎套機 樓主請先解釋一下,靚聲同好聲的分別… coco123k 發表於 2013-10-5 19:41 static/image/common/back.gif
鹹魚青菜,各有所好。{:6_234:} 我所知dsd 的儲存方法/格式是比pcm 要多很多memory.
是因為dsd只有1 bit, 而pcm可以有32bit,
所以200mb的dsd file 不代表比50mb 的pcm file 多4倍音樂細節資料,
{:6_244:} popo388 發表於 2013-10-5 20:57 static/image/common/back.gif
我所知dsd 的儲存方法/格式是比pcm 要多很多memory.
是因為dsd只有1 bit, 而pcm可以有32bit,
所以200mb的 ...
剛剛相反,DSD (64x) 比 PCM (24/176.4) 儲存反而少咗,
DSD: 1bit * 2,822,400 * 2 channels = 5,644,800 bps
PCM: 24bit * 176,400 * 2 channels = 8,467,200 bps
點解會用這兩個數值去比較呢?因為由 DSD 轉 PCM,24/176.4 會比較接近 DSD 64x 的質素,所以一般用這兩個數值去比較。
亦由於這點,Download DSD 檔案會比 PCM 檔案來得快,以致有不少網站用 DSD 招來,不過亦會提供 FLAC 檔下載,主要減少下載時間,當然商業基礎係主要考慮因素。 以我所知,現時大部份做 Mastering 的器材都係以 PCM 為主的,所以就算係由 DSD 錄音,都要首先轉成 PCM 先,最後再轉做 DSD 出版。除了有一種直刻的方式,由頭到尾都只用 DSD 而不做任何轉換 (日本的 Stereo Sound 做了幾隻這樣的 SACD)。
當然每種格式都有各自的喜好者,但我覺得只要是錄音好,那種格式都會是一樣好聲的。 DSD and PCM both could sound extremely good.In fact, I think it is not helpful to argue one format is better than the other without considering the record source.
I downloaded samples from 2L in DXD, DSD, PCM format.(Please note that DXD is PCM format in very high sampling rate of 352.5kHz.)Given that the recording and mastering was done in DXD and then convert to DSD64 DSD128, and PCM 24/192, 24/96. The PCM formats, particularly DXD sounded best to me.
I just purchased a DSD direct recording which is raw with NO mastering.I is just great!!!!I'd say very very good indeed.
If you can rip SACD to DSD (using Playstation), then converting your collection of SACD to DSD would be great.
So the reality is that source will be in different format. I choose format which I can practically get and try to have source which has gone through less conversion if possible.Just my 2 cents.{:6_162:}