發表於 2015-5-18 14:10
本帖最後由 PhantomGTR 於 2015-5-25 19:14 編輯
經師兄早幾天提點,我終於對 voyage mpd 出 album 明白多一點。經過幾天搵資料及嘗試,我相信已經解決 mpd 出封面這個問題。
首先,所有 tag 咗係 music file 入面既相都係會 ignore 的。一定要係同一 folder 內放相,可以 jpg, png,e.g. folder.jpg, or folder.png。但要留意係 case sensitive, 不可以係 folder.JPG, nor folder.PNG。如果呢一套多隻 CD,而又係分開 folder 放的,咁就要每一個 folder 都要有自己的 folder.jpg。
folder.jpg 的 dimension 很彈性,我唔知佢去到幾細同幾大先唔得。唔而要係 500 x 500 。
1) disable internet download cover options in mpd client
2) delete all the album cache in mpd client
3) 係問 music path, 或 album path 個到入 "http://<voyage ip>/Music", e.g. 。記住係 case sensitive, 要 "Music", not "music".
4) close and restart mpd client
5) refresh database in mpd client
以我用開的 cantata 來說,如果你已經 run 緊佢,咁你中途 update 的 album art 係唔會即刻出現,要 close and restart cantata 先睇到。
係手機中,我用 mpdroid (android 機),入面都係同樣咁輸入。
因為無時間試其他 client,如有出入,各位請執生及 report 一下,大家參詳、參詳。
發表於 2015-5-22 22:29
Phantom C Hing, I have installed MPD 0.10. However, don't know why it can't play SACD iso directly. Is there any special settings?
發表於 2015-5-22 22:33
wkchand 發表於 2015-5-22 22:29 static/image/common/back.gif
Phantom C Hing, I have installed MPD 0.10. However, don't know why it can't play SACD iso directly....
wkchand c hing,
1) where do u store your music file?
2) can you play other files directly, e.g. wav, mpc, aiff, flac......?
發表於 2015-5-22 22:40
PhantomGTR 發表於 2015-5-22 22:33 static/image/common/back.gif
wkchand c hing,
1) where do u store your music file?
1/ Files from my notebook (Win7).
2/ Yes, I can play all other file formats, but not ISO.
發表於 2015-5-22 22:48
wkchand 發表於 2015-5-22 22:40 static/image/common/back.gif
1/ Files from my notebook (Win7).
2/ Yes, I can play all other file formats, but not ISO.
>> Files from my notebook (Win7).
So u mount with options "cifs", right?
>> I can play all other file formats, but not ISO
I tested this when I was trying his nightly version.In my memory, mpd showed the contents inside the iso as there were already extracted.But not showing there was an ISO waiting for you to click and explore inside.
Now it's pity I deleted those iso, so I can't test with this official release.
發表於 2015-5-22 22:52
C Hing, yes, I used CIFs to mount. Don't know why I can see any ISO file or any files inside the folder containing ISO.
發表於 2015-5-22 23:03
wkchand 發表於 2015-5-22 22:52 static/image/common/back.gif
C Hing, yes, I used CIFs to mount. Don't know why I can see any ISO file or any files inside the fol ...
c hing, then I don't know la, sorry.
The core player inside voyage mpd of course is "mpd" itself.It used mpd 0.19, it claimed it can read iso.
發表於 2015-5-23 17:59
PhantomGTR 發表於 2015-5-22 23:03 static/image/common/back.gif
c hing, then I don't know la, sorry.
The core player inside voyage mpd of course is "mpd" itself. ...
Thanks CHing. I think the mpd bundled in voyage ver doesn't enable iso support. I will try to compile my own mpd tonight and see if I can enable this function. One thing, your installation is on voyage mpd or voyage Linux?
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
發表於 2015-5-23 18:10
wkchand 發表於 2015-5-23 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks CHing. I think the mpd bundled in voyage ver doesn't enable iso support. I will try to comp ...
You're welcome.I use the voyage mpd. Voyage linux got no mpd inside.
發表於 2015-5-24 11:11
Finally, I have upgraded to 0.20. However, it is still not able to read ISO. Let me boil more to see if this version is good to go or not.
My 2 cents, for those C Hing who wants to multi-boot Windows/Voyage MDP, you can try to install GRUB2 under Linux. Free, and easy to use. Original GRUB in Voyage MDP can't support Multi-boot for Windows very well.