發表於 2013-4-25 21:44
kwokchi 發表於 2013-4-25 13:20 static/image/common/back.gif
各位ching, 新手想玩212J, 請問你地邊隻2T hard disk好用?
各位ching, 新手想問212J 及 213邊款好用? for mac 及 玩bt!
發表於 2013-4-27 15:17
本帖最後由 hkguy-sp 於 2013-4-27 15:57 編輯
Ching, I am currently using a QNAP 2 bay and thinking about upgrade it..... should I switch to Synology as I saw many Ching is using it..... is it better??
What is the main different between Synology 412+ and 413?