BDP機,有冇可能將9600份電源及環牛移植到LX55上. 無話唔可以, 但唔係plug-and-play. 本帖最後由 ckw1 於 2013-2-6 10:23 編輯是否電流電壓不同,或有其他原因,請指教.
或衹係換牛得唔得. ckw1 發表於 2013-2-6 10:21 static/image/common/back.gif
a picture tells a million words. isn't it ?
本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-2-6 12:59 編輯
C Hing,
9600份電源 is much better than the PSU on LX55.
as shown on your picture, the PSU of LX55 is the same as BDP-450.
Thus, you may have three options:
1. mod the LX55 PSU as DBP-450 ( kenneth_obee C Hing has done this before.ref.高清播放器討論區.... )
2. build a linear power supply PSU for LX55.
3. transplant 9600 PSU into LX55.
why u want to do item-3 ??? {:1_262:} ckw1 發表於 2013-2-6 10:21 static/image/common/back.gif
正有此意,部55電源太雞,我都想奄佢好耐,而家密識緊arm用火牛,因為佢要有三組電壓,一組+12v,一組+5v,一組-19v,正路CD盤要用5,12v的,我估9600個PSU都用到,欠個-19v啫。 -19 ~ -24v for the display panel.do it separately, better. 本帖最後由 ckw1 於 2013-2-6 14:40 編輯
billymud 發表於 2013-2-6 12:40 static/image/common/back.gif
C Hing,
9600份電源 is much better than the PSU on LX55.
as shown on your picture, the PSU of LX55...
諗諗下不如死後器官捐贈,但我又唔識,所以求助. 本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-2-6 16:21 編輯
ckw1 發表於 2013-2-6 14:35 static/image/common/back.gif
諗 ...
Shit ! 部9600瓜咗, 換主板要1850蚊 !! {:6_243:}
唔識移植,may be i can help you after lunar new year for free.
first of all, pls measure the heights of LX chasis, of 9600 transformer and of 9600 PSE.
make sure the dimensions are adaptable.
i knew the height of BDP450 PSU is 1.15" ( 30 m/m), ....while pcb board is 150 m/m x 60 m/m.
billymud 發表於 2013-2-6 15:14 static/image/common/back.gif
Shit ! 部9600瓜咗, 換主板要1850蚊 !!
唔識移植,may be i can help you after lunar ne ...