Ching們,如今日訂英遜 ,最5幾時會收貨吖?Thx 特快, 三日內. 如果正常呢? 本帖最後由 beginners 於 2012-12-18 10:05 編輯
I tried fastest normal shipment is 4 days and slowest is more than 1 week... if you place order today (Monday UK), may be fast due to start of working day. christmas time. expect at least 2 weeks for normal service 英遜normal service兩星期算快了,平均要三至四星期,不過都好過美遜。 I try 美遜 B4 , very very fast wor , faster than 英遜 Ordered three BD from Amazon UK last night and two are dispatched, estimated arrival on 27 Dec....10 days...{:8_370:} beginners 發表於 2012-12-18 10:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Ordered three BD from Amazon UK last night and two are dispatched, estimated arrival on 27 Dec....10 ...
Ordered three BD from Amazon UK last night and two are dispatched ? how come just one day Ching ? 唔好話christmas, 平時都有快慢, 甚至甩期, 所以唔駛開個post黎問架la.