bei_hillgrover 發表於 2012-10-28 17:08

Lohengramm 發表於 2012-10-27 18:36 static/image/common/back.gif
Dear Bei-hill hing,

your question confuses me.Up-stream and the Source ...are they not the ve ...




小弟指的上游就是USB2Coaxial之前(即i & ii) 而源頭就是i 內含的所有components (app, os, cpu,ram, bus, io).

但原來Loh兄指出除Jitter外亦有"data error"這個因素。小弟要好好研究一下{:8_386:}

Lohengramm 發表於 2012-10-28 21:42

本帖最後由 Lohengramm 於 2012-10-28 21:43 編輯

bei_hillgrover 發表於 2012-10-28 17:08 static/image/common/back.gif


Oh ...You've been reading my progress on CAS. {:8_389:}

Anyway, what I believe is that The stored data itself is not having error; BUT the time when it transcribes, due to side-track interference, "add" something that is not stored in the original stored-data, hence at last changing to something else.

If the above assumption is correct, then, it may explains why an identical Computer setup ( including everything ), playing the same file, but feeding with different power quality, the sound is still different.

I can share you more on my Setup findings... IF you are not bored... {:8_369:}

Even I installed so called "華陀手撕雞" at the nearest possible point of PCI-e slot, I still hear difference when I change bios setting, unplug the PS/2 keyboard etc, the difference is subtle.So, this again, tell us that you still need to handle the upper stream. The latter stage job that we did, simply is to make sure, we want to "preserve" the best of the received data / information.

Every stage will induce some sort of loss / change, the more you can "preserve", the more you are closer to the original.

Given, the logic of "treating Digital as a form of Analogue behavior", it explains everthing co-herently and it does make sense.

With this so called rule of thumb / pressumption, myself have been non-stopping pushing the limits to playback a really good presentation thru the CAS.   That's why I'm a strong believer that the basic and Foundation of playing good sound CAS, must be 1st-ly treating the CORE-powersupply instead of doing out-of-the-core job.They bring you some fun, but not leading you to high-fidelitism CAS playback.{:8_362:}

kenken49 發表於 2012-10-28 23:00

新仔一名, 正需要一些正確又可靠的資訊.
多謝Ching分享. {:6_162:}

bei_hillgrover 發表於 2012-10-29 13:42

Lohengramm 發表於 2012-10-28 21:42 static/image/common/back.gif
Oh ...You've been reading my progress on CAS.

Anyway, what I believe is that The sto ...

小弟很有興趣知道多點Loh兄的findings及“華陀手撕雞"的資料. 先謝過Loh兄.{:6_178:}
頁: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9]
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