多謝ching 提醒
另外,其實backup 入面d data 係未唔包括save?
d save其實你可以用usb手指backup, 方便d vicchow 發表於 2012-10-5 23:13 static/image/common/back.gif
細機就要找回同一Firmware Version 的升級檔放在 ...
ching, 我想問下如果clone 左隻hdd 先, 再換落去元祖大機度, 咁樣係咪可以唔駛做restore o既動作?
thansk~~ No you can't. PS3 is not a full Linux system it self and it doesn't allow you to expand the partition. Also, it's boot loader may not be able to identify the partition properly unless you let it format and load the Firmware by itself.
It doesn't harm to try, no damage to your original data. I've success case before with old original model, but failed with newer thin model.