發表於 2012-10-4 12:28
billy997 發表於 2012-9-30 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
For 2nd hand price, it is important for normal ppl (of course not for rich dude) as it is the only ...
the only way to advance is by hearing at home{:1_264:}
發表於 2012-10-4 17:36
sealteam4 發表於 2012-9-29 14:36 static/image/common/back.gif
好地地仲咩要 ...
無錯ching, 其實好多人都係比音響玩緊, 跟本唔知咩叫做玩音響, 普遍都係聽人講呢個牌子掂, 多人玩,有二手價, 但買返去跟本唔識玩, 之後又聽人講加釘, 買個hifi木架以為就搞掂. 睇到呢的post都知比音響玩緊 {:6_175:}
發表於 2012-10-4 17:56
HK.man 發表於 2012-10-4 17:36 static/image/common/back.gif
無錯ching, 其實好多人都係比音響玩緊, 跟本唔知咩叫做玩音響, 普遍都係聽人講呢個牌子掂, 多人玩,有二手 ...
玩音響係唔使聽個喎 !!!{:9_436:}
發表於 2012-10-4 18:00
發表於 2012-10-4 18:02
如果你朋友係想玩naim+座地既, 有興趣可以過黎聽下naim+triangle座地, 睇下岩岩唔心水。
發表於 2012-10-4 18:20
PP-HK 發表於 2012-10-4 18:02 static/image/common/back.gif
如果你朋友係想玩naim+座地既, 有興趣可以過黎聽下naim+triangle座地, 睇下岩岩唔心水。 ...
我上次去威達問,佢話我朋友家最少都要前後級先得,再加media player及CD,及推介我們用ProAC D28。。。。報成十五皮出來。。。仲話已經係最起馬嘅要求{:6_200:} 其實威達個價和旺角爭幾遠呢?
發表於 2012-10-4 18:25
Triangle.....好嘢吖 {:6_193:}
發表於 2012-10-4 18:34
各人所求亦唔同. {:6_238:}
發表於 2012-10-4 22:46
CyberBB 發表於 2012-9-30 18:47 static/image/common/back.gif
I appreciate your efforts trying to audition seriously between each machine's performance. But wha ...
I think we are disconnected in the above discussions.
In HK, most hifi guys are smart. I don't think there are anyone who only "trust" famous brand and then switch / buy the gears without any wise consideration. It is REAL MONEY!! Don't imagine there is such a person. (I agree a lot mainlanders are this type, from the fact that those 2nd hand buyer only buy Accuphase from r33 but not any other brand bcos mainalnder only love Accuphase) So it sounds like an imagination. Didyou really come across these ppl yourselves?
About 2nd hand price... I only bought those gears with 2nd hand price. No 2nd hand price, I won't consider!!! the reason I have explained above. I don't wanna end up blowing in the forum without really knows how good other gears are...
Though I only buy those "popular" gears, but it doesn't mean all popular gears are rubbish and falling into those ppl you "imagine" above. Some famous gears are not worth the money, so not in my purchase list (or I sold it afterwards if I made the wrong decision". But there are still a lot famous gear, with good 2nd hand price and itself is good. These are the gears we are targeting.
Lastly, this post is not for me to explain my experience for diff gears. I dont' think it makes sense to write 20 pages here so I only mentioned how many I have tested. Hope you are not misunderstood...
發表於 2012-10-4 23:45
由一定要買名牌有二手價既野,去到多人放,二手價好得於吾好聲, 人總是容易各走極端 {:1_263:}