哈哈............我係台灣買回來兩萬銀,香港都有得賣,唔駛 ...
sealteam4 發表於 2012-9-29 14:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
但人地話所謂大牌子好聲喎,D人就唔理咁多,平平冇奇都買,仲貴一貴都買,因為有二手價喎....{:1_331:} 本帖最後由 sealteam4 於 2012-9-29 14:37 編輯
但人地話所謂大牌 ...
ckw3031 發表於 2012-9-29 14:28 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
好地地仲咩要賣走? 升級,信,有可能,但人人買回來都必升級即呢件野好極有限
不過我又極端D,我D野全部都極好聲但無咩二手價,哈哈 我就同意一半, {:9_436:}
玩音響除咗追求靚聲,對好多音響同好嚟講,亦係一件藝術品或者玩具, {:6_157:}
講真句,有邊個音响同好聽歌嘅時候,唔望住套寶貝Hi Fi架, {:6_128:}
有好多泠門品牌能夠殺出一條血路,原因係聲價比高, {:6_173:}
真係不得不令人O咀. {:9_437:}
http://www.volent.com.hk/press-page/hifireview_vl4_200810/vl4_review_hk_hifireview.pdf 本帖最後由 SkyGeo 於 2012-9-29 20:49 編輯
ching, don't forget Tannoy Prestige series.{:6_234:}
British castle feel with cool and classic design.
http://www.tannoy.com/ResidentialSummary.aspx#&&Vkk9AH2j1PFrielFmAF1Qhx9bcEEtwMfj3ZTKonlSbUknvG8O5QJx7cdCwb4/HWh/K70FL3rIBNxilfn9qgoPr8iJfyHc9fAqQAB7TdiMEFxPwt4jljy9C6ujRps86h/wJo8sptahERZG+Nk5Frjuw== 我就同意一半,
玩音響除咗追求靚聲,對好多音響同好嚟講,亦係一件藝術品或者 ...
Tomy 發表於 2012-9-29 20:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
中國人有句說話,三年唔發市,發市當三年 有冇試下對MBL?
書架箱加原廠腳正合筆直,雖然係書架,但絶不輸蝕俾座地! 二手價就是一個很有趣的東西
好地地仲咩要 ...
sealteam4 發表於 2012-9-29 14:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
好多玩hifi 嘅人機都未買就只係諗住二手價好唔好! 而唔會認真去聽吓件嘢究竟好唔好聲, 啱唔啱聽等。只麻木追牌子嘢! 亦唔會考慮有d 廠跟本人去留空, 主設計師已走, 剩餘的都只係個名, 但 d 人照買.... 不過現在好多人已經唔係真係鐘意聽音樂, 而係鐘意玩嗰件器材, 身邊有d 成日都話呢件玩過, 嗰件玩過, 成屋數埋都唔知有冇廿隻cd, 重只係得d 乜試音物試音堞, 對佢地來講原來d 堞係攞來試而唔係聽{:6_194:}
所以經常聽到身邊朋友話最終放棄玩hifi! 講眞, 若始終唔係真係鐘意聽音樂嘅人, 到最後好可能放低呢個hobby, 都會行呢條路...
我都同Ching 一樣, 買嘢最緊要揀自己啱聽鐘意的, 好似最近我買了對Sony嘅SS-Na5es書架, 都一樣係零二手價, 但自己鐘意又聽得開心咪得囉{:8_403:}
好多玩hifi 嘅人機都未買就只係諗住二手價好唔好! 而唔會認真去聽吓件嘢究竟好唔好聲, 啱唔啱聽等。只麻木追牌子嘢! 亦唔會考慮有d 廠跟本人去留空, 主設計師已走, 剩餘的都只係個名, 但 d 人照買.... 不過現在好多人已經唔係真係鐘意聽音樂, 而係鐘意玩嗰件器材, 身邊有d 成日都話呢件玩過, 嗰件玩過, 成屋數埋都唔知有冇廿隻cd, 重只係得d 乜試音物試音堞, 對佢地來講原來d 堞係攞來試而唔係聽{:6_194:}
所以經常聽到身邊朋友話最終放棄玩hifi! 講眞, 若始終唔係真係鐘意聽音樂嘅人, 到最後好可能放低呢個hobby, 都會行呢條路...
我都同Ching 一樣, 買嘢最緊要揀自己啱聽鐘意的, 好似最近我買了對Sony嘅SS-Na5es書架, 都一樣係零二手價, 但自己鐘意又聽得開心咪得囉{:8_403:}
For 2nd hand price, it is important for normal ppl (of course not for rich dude) as it is the only way how really understand and experience a product. The biggest problem in these "talking" forums is. .... Ppl tend to read review and what ppl recommend but not try and experience diff brands / products!!! Showrm demo is useless as most of them are poorly setup. And shops cannot carry all brand to compare. Now many ppl imagine or blindly trust what those "high hand" said then buy. Back home without any comparison then again to imagine / blow how good it is. then another newbie trust then do the same. The only way to say something about a hifi product is to put in your room and compare. Any saying how good it is without a "reference" just bullshit.
To find a int amp to match my new speakers, I bought more than six 2nd hand int amp (30k - 50k range) to tried at home (my home not too big I can only get two at one time and only the winner stays) without 2nd hand price I can try one / two, then end up doing bullshit how good my new amp is following other saying. More interestingly, those I sold within a week are "famous brand" my view they are rubbish. So the only way to advance is by hearing at home, not "reading" from forums.
- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用 For 2nd hand price, it is important for normal ppl (of course not for rich dude) as it is the only ...
billy997 發表於 2012-9-30 17:18 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I appreciate your efforts trying to audition seriously between each machine's performance. But what I really point out is that some pplsusually like to switch to other gears frequently without any actual reasons. Extract your potential from your beloved gears should be a lot more important than just telling others how many gears you've already switched to. I, myself would rather focusing much more on good records, learnt & appreciate the performers from the record instead, especially I'm just a newbie to classical.
I would hardly trust the comments by users on the forum. I prefer those manufacturers which are really showing their passion for hifi to those launching new models every year. A best selling machine or good marketing manufacturer doesn't imply they are continuously making good stuffs anymore, somehow may just based on their past reputation only. Nowadays most famous brand are actually sound like shit and these are absolutely not worth for money IMHO. Good points, CyberBB. Most of my gears are not famous brand and have poor resale value. But I am pleased and not MOVED by those reviews.