ihmcjacky 發表於 2012-8-31 22:56

IFA 2012 Popcorn hour 新機種 A400 發表

本帖最後由 ihmcjacky 於 2012-8-31 22:57 編輯


IFA 2012 Halle 3.2 Stand 119.Syabas have their new A-400 on display, full working and its looks very good indeed!

ITs utilising the new Sigma 8911 Chipset with XVP processing and should be available sometime in September and should retail at 289 Euros, though UK pricing has still to be announced.

As well as sporting the new 8911 chipse (800Mhz dual core processort, the A-400 is completemented with an ipad app that mimics the NMJ on the player itself, allowing full control of the A-400 from an ipad (requires iOS 5).The app wont work on iphone and and android version will appear later in the year.

ISO support covers the gamut of formats – BD, 3d BD, DVD etc but only supports “simple Navigation” which I take to mean no full BD menu like on the Dune HD offerings.

It sports HDMI and component video outputs and coaxial, optical and analog audio outputs.Has 2 USB 2.0 ports, 1x USB 3.0 slave, eSATA, SD-CArd reader and has a 3.5″ bay for SATA drives.It also has a gigabit connection.

初步確定用全新旗艦級sigma designs 8911 芯片,正式支持3DBD,不過不支持全功能導航....

其餘規格分別是USB2.0,3.0,3.5"HDD BAY,gigabit lan, esata, sdcard讀卡器等


myblue 發表於 2012-9-1 09:53

IFA 2012 Popcorn hour 新機種 A400 發表

8910個d 都未出就黎粒8911, 仲要冇full menu, 想掂?

- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用

billymud 發表於 2012-9-1 10:00

個機樣好大6 look 咁.......

myblue 發表於 2012-9-1 10:39

IFA 2012 Popcorn hour 新機種 A400 發表

個機樣好大6 look 咁.......


- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用

Szelong 發表於 2012-9-1 11:55


- 發送自我的 iPad...
myblue 發表於 2012-9-1 10:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


breadvan 發表於 2012-9-1 12:20

It will be interesting to follow this since this is if I am correct one of the very few media products that uses Sigma VXP, which is only used in top of the line AV products. Bit too early to tell how it develops but it will be a good start since PCH has a pretty good records.PCH is a HK/Asia based company so naturally product is MIC, even their website is not shy in saying that, instead of some pretending to be a foreign and still MIC.As long as it is high quality and stable, I think it doesn't matter where it comes from.

sero3 發表於 2012-9-1 12:36

I think PCH is not a Asia based company as Asia still a small market to them, while sales in China is now authorize to "K" brand. Naturally this change will make the look more China alike and I believe A-300 is the last good looking one in whole "A" series.

Since 8910 will cost over 3k HK, this one will be a 3D upgrade model of A-300, guess its price will be somewhere around 2.5k HK, not a bad choice if you have a 3D TV already.

ming 發表於 2012-9-1 12:58

無full menu

maner394 發表於 2012-9-1 15:54

無full menu
ming 發表於 2012-9-1 12:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

   出 C400時就有full menu

myblue 發表於 2012-9-1 20:30

本帖最後由 myblue 於 2012-9-1 20:44 編輯

出 C400時就有full menu
maner394 發表於 2012-9-1 15:54 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

唔使諗啦, 400唔會出C係, 原因係粒Chip 8911做唔到BD full menju, 所以PCH係400係列只會有A400.Quote 訪問稿.

"Series - A has always been the younger brother of a series of the C, so it makes sense that the C-400 as well on the way, but it turns out that the ability to play menus Blu-ray is the ability would probably never come for the series processors SMP8910 and therefore, There is no real logic published by the C-400. It should be noted that one of the differences were so far from the series - A series of the C was the ability to play Blu-ray menus above series - C, but because as mentioned this ability probably will not be developing for Sigma Designs, there's no point published by C- 400. Please note that the A-400 is the only streamer that was declared as the family processor - SMP8910, No other company has made announcements on the use of this processor, including Dune"

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