breadvan 發表於 2012-9-3 13:28

I think PCH is not a Asia based company as Asia still a small market to them, while sales in China i ...
sero3 發表於 2012-9-1 12:36

Dear ching,

What I meant was the company is based in Asia, like many media player company, NOT that the company is based on Asian market, agree the asian market alone might not be big enough to sustain the company R&D.

As with the look A400 is no better or worst than A300, for media player I rather have a stable and functional machine, the look is secondary to me, and if a simple design could shave a few bucks off the price, bring it on, I am all game.

breadvan 發表於 2012-9-3 13:29

買唔買一回事, 但我未憂過冇full menu
sero3 發表於 2012-9-2 23:09

Agree, exactly what does a lite menu miss?As long as I can watch the movie, manage subs and if possible watch the extra, that's fine with me.

breadvan 發表於 2012-9-3 13:30

剛剛去咗 PCH forum 睇過, 已確認 A400 不能出 bd full menu
原因係想避免受 Cinavia 影響.
同一原因 - 暫 ...
metal08 發表於 2012-9-3 10:09

I think it also has something to do with BD license, which the manufacturer will have to pay for it of course.

sero3 發表於 2012-9-3 18:57

If Cinavia really affecting coming up firmware of A-300, I would not upgrade it anymore.
For all who want to enjoy hardware without the threat of Cinavia, get a Dune or PCH A/C-300 now, it could be your last chance{:6_201:}

sero3 發表於 2012-9-3 19:01

However, if blu ray become all outdated one day, these all hardware will all capable to play any protected materials without issue.
So as A-400 said it is a "TEMPORARY" issue for the moment. Same case as A-200 some years ago...

myblue 發表於 2012-9-3 19:55

However, if blu ray become all outdated one day, these all hardware will all capable to play any pro ...
sero3 發表於 2012-9-3 19:01


mixmaster 發表於 2012-9-4 11:12


E680ihkg 發表於 2012-9-4 14:05

本帖最後由 E680ihkg 於 2012-9-4 14:06 編輯

IFA 2012 - Popcorn Hour A-400!

allenyu 發表於 2012-9-4 14:39

IFA 2012 - Popcorn Hour A-400
E680ihkg 發表於 2012-9-4 14:05


myblue 發表於 2012-9-4 16:11

IFA 2012 Popcorn hour 新機種 A400 發表

真係玩到無嘢玩,玩UI, 玩control.好心搞好d正業啦。

- 發送自我的 iPad 大板凳應用
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查看完整版本: IFA 2012 Popcorn hour 新機種 A400 發表

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