ac388 發表於 2012-6-29 15:00

For those live streaming program, like myTV, on my iphone 4 or ipad, will I be able to watch them on my Plasma TV thru the Apple TV ????????????????????

原明 發表於 2012-6-29 15:48

Havn't check mytv, but ok with pps

n-tone 發表於 2012-6-29 19:04

第三代 Apple TV 香港正式公開發售,官方售價HKD788

Can you watch / rent American TV shows? Or National Geographic?

AirPlay is quite convenient.

Though I am already watching YouTube on my BDP + iPhone. :)

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

原明 發表於 2012-6-29 22:38

If you have US acc you can rent the movie in state.

wing421 發表於 2012-6-29 23:44

我想問點樣set就可以將pps晌apple tv到睇?

ncyaa 發表於 2012-6-30 10:12

我想問點樣set就可以將pps晌apple tv到睇?
wing421 發表於 2012-6-29 23:44

pps個app本身好似唔support airplay,不過可以用mirroring嘅function睇到,方法係喺部ipad/iphone快按home制兩次,將下面條bar掃去左邊兩次,撳airplay個icon然後開咗個mirroring,咁iphone/ipad上面嘅畫面都可以喺apple tv睇到。

lw8 發表於 2012-6-30 15:23

can apple tv3 play online format video e.g. mkv, avi? can it play the streamed video from local nas or harddisc.

wing421 發表於 2012-6-30 16:28

pps個app本身好似唔support airplay,不過可以用mirroring嘅function睇到,方法係喺部ipad/iphone快按home制兩次,將下面條bar掃去左邊兩次,撳airplay個icon然後開咗個mirroring,咁iphone/ipad上面嘅畫面都可以喺apple tv睇到。咁係電腦到點可以係apple tv到睇

stephenwan 發表於 2012-7-1 22:57

昨日買咗用, $788 當多件玩具 {:1_264:}

原明 發表於 2012-7-2 18:23

回復 45# wing421

    pps support airplay,係設定裡的設置開airplay就得。{:8_394:}
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查看完整版本: 第三代 Apple TV 香港正式公開發售,官方售價HKD788

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