breadvan 發表於 2012-6-27 17:05

回復 10# Szelong

Be careful, some of the HD movies are 720P, you can see it in iTunes.

breadvan 發表於 2012-6-27 17:10

請問香港租唔租到戲睇, 會唔會版權問題無得睇? 同埋hd movie香港load得耐唔耐? 最想睇mlb同埋hd movie. ...
kimyeung123 發表於 2012-6-27 16:39

Yes you can rent some movies, the HK store has been changed.For MLB, it is subscription based to open to the whole world so should be good, I have seen highlight from AppleTV3, loads very fast.However, you should expect the performance to be different if you watch live games.

kimyeung123 發表於 2012-6-27 17:19

今晚返去用itune試下先. 謝謝

Szelong 發表於 2012-6-27 17:29


Be careful, some of the HD movies are 720P, you can see it in iTunes.
breadvan 發表於 2012-6-27 17:05

    冇錯,同720p 仲要係壓過,唔係好sharp

breadvan 發表於 2012-6-27 17:36

冇錯,同720p 仲要係壓過,唔係好sharp
Szelong 發表於 2012-6-27 17:29

No cheap lunch brothers !

myblue 發表於 2012-6-27 18:40


sero3 發表於 2012-6-27 20:35

A movie cost over $100 still in a low-res format, I don't find it attractive at all{:1_331:}

原明 發表於 2012-6-27 20:46


breadvan 發表於 2012-6-27 22:56

回復 17# sero3

To be honest for most people in HK, I don't think online movie streaming rental will be of much interest, unless may be you are caught in a typhoon and don't want to leave home.

sero3 發表於 2012-6-27 23:14

回復 19# breadvan

or an exclusive release before disc come out{:1_253:}
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查看完整版本: 第三代 Apple TV 香港正式公開發售,官方售價HKD788

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