kennethtcp 發表於 2012-6-25 10:18

電腦用 HDMI 駁 AMP 打機一問

都唔知係咪應該 post 呢區, 定係去 CAS 版問好 d XDD

我用緊 Geforece 560, 有張 SB Recon3d, 想用 HDMI 線駁落 AMP, 用大電視, 及5.1 音響打機, 基本上, 可以用 Geforce 既HDMI 輸出 video 直出 AMP, 再用Recon3d 既 DolbyDigital Live, encode 5.1 落光纖, 兩條線同時去 amp, 問題解決, 但其實可唔可以用一條 HDMI 過哂 video & DD5.1?


juniorx 發表於 2012-6-25 12:42

Yes, but only 1 source can be selected in your AMP. If uses HDMI w/ audio, you recon3D features will be not available.

kennethtcp 發表於 2012-6-25 14:13

Yes, but only 1 source can be selected in your AMP. If uses HDMI w/ audio, you recon3D features will ...
juniorx 發表於 2012-6-25 12:42

    因為條線走鬼式拉好長, 由房拉去廳, 兩條線走鬼咁走好麻煩, 所以如果可以一條 hdmi 攪點就算, recon3d 唔用都無問題, 如果睇戲, hdmi 可以 bitsteam 埋 audio 過去呢個我知, 但 realtime encode game 既 5.1 去 DD5.1 我就唔知齋用 hdmi 可以點做.... win7 裏面 sound option 都唔見個 hdmi audio encoder....

juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 10:58

Will be no realtime encode available in your Nvidia 560 (so far there is no display card in the market with such feature)
Reminded that the distance of the HDMI cable may affect the AV quality and stability.

P@$$W0RD 發表於 2012-6-26 13:22

Will be no realtime encode available in your Nvidia 560 (so far there is no display card in the mark ...
juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 10:58


kennethtcp 發表於 2012-6-26 14:23

Will be no realtime encode available in your Nvidia 560 (so far there is no display card in the mark ...
juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 10:58

ok ic, thanks, therefore, the only way is to run both hdmi and optical cable in parallel.....

juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 16:15

P@$$W0RD 發表於 26-6-2012 01:22 PM
Of course, then make sure the HDMI extender support 1.3. But I always doubt those extenders quality.

juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 16:20

回復 6# kennethtcp

Yes, Similar to your case I was also struggled with this issue. Finally I gave up my coaxial and remove my sound card.
So far happy playing games without DD Live, just all channel stereo is acceptable for me.

P@$$W0RD 發表於 2012-6-26 16:30

Of course, then make sure the HDMI extender support 1.3. But I always doubt those extenders quality ...
juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 16:15

Aten is ok

kennethtcp 發表於 2012-6-26 17:04


Yes, Similar to your case I was also struggled with this issue. Finally I gave up ...
juniorx 發表於 2012-6-26 16:20

how about if not encoding into DD, but multichannel PCM via hdmi ? my amp can decode multichannel PCM up to 7.1
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