Int Amp - 雙輸出設計
如果部Int Amp有雙輸出設計(Speaker A & B可作同時輸出),例如輸出是45W per channel,如果用Spk. A&B玩biwire(4 plugs to 4 plugs),咁樣每個speaker的輸出是否為45Wx2=90W呢?Thanks!! Need to notice is it just "short" two pairs of output or there are really two pairs of separate circuits.
Most of the amps with output A&B are just "shorting" two pairs, this is for convenience of outputting to two set of outputs without using a Y-cable. To answer your question, if there is a share bank account (say, a bank account owned by a couple), there is $1000 inside this share account, does it mean each of the account owners (the husband and wife) can withdraw $1000 at the same time? 回復 2# kenneth_obee
Quote: “原廠為PM6004設計了兩組喇叭輸出端子,您可以連接兩對喇叭,讓他們同時發聲,也可以單獨讓A喇叭或B喇叭發聲。如果喇叭本身有Bi-Wire設計的話,也可以利用PM6004的雙輸出設計,但請記得要確認前面板上的Speaker A/B藍色燈號都要亮起來。”
我都唔知佢系米ching所講的“shorted terminals ONLY"...{:6_229:} 回復 3# kenneth_obee
Thanks ching! What a good example!! 呢部 2聲道 pm6004 雖然得45w x2 ,但係佢個水塘大,佢既推力可以比(美) 90W 的av amp.
我聽過有前輩話如果一部 av amp 有100W, 佢既推力其實只有一半,得50W到. 唔知係唔係呢? 回復 6# steve_wongwh
av amp以日系為主故比人感覺好像都是功率所示不足數,但其實外國很多牌子都足數有餘比標示更大力 回復 4# joe_76
馬仔A+B speakers的原意: post #22 回復joe_76
馬仔A+B speakers的原意: post #22
ANWKLO 發表於 2012-6-11 18:28
我都唔係好眀。 回復 8# ANWKLO
如按ching提供的資料,是否可理解為...?frequency filtering既工作可以預先於AMP輸出前做好(當A+B speakers同時輸出時),再入落speaker biwire terminal以提高音色...而Output Power就沒有doubled...Right?