tcflex401 發表於 2012-7-20 00:11

本帖最後由 tcflex401 於 2012-7-20 00:34 編輯

回復 33# homantin

C Ching

i buy a Minus recently and there is a cable within the box. One of the side of the cable is RCA head and then other end is bare cable. Is it the bare cable connect to screw of CD Player and the RCA head connect to the box.or the bare cable connect to the -ve side of RCA ( out ) and the other head ( RCA ) connect to the box ? Do youhave photo how to connect. I feel confused.

Can you give some instruction to me how to connect ?

homantin 發表於 2012-7-21 23:17

回復 191# tcflex401

   hi tcflex
I did not get the original cable from the seller. My Minimus is 2nd hand.
I understand the correct way is to connect the RCA to Entreq. The bare wire to equipment ground end or any screw.
But if it is chassis screw, make sure clean the grease and lubrication oil, if any.
Just my 2 cents for your ref.

nicknick 發表於 2012-7-22 02:39

我先後買細地盒同大地盒本身都冇跟線架喎!(大地盒+3條純銀線是package,大地盒包裝也是沒有地線跟的),只有買Challenger USB有跟條雞地線,但係好唔掂的我都冇用到。

ensemblefai 發表於 2012-7-22 12:09

本帖最後由 ensemblefai 於 2012-7-22 12:13 編輯


jackt 發表於 2012-7-22 12:30

回復 194# ensemblefai


ensemblefai 發表於 2012-7-22 13:00


jackt 發表於 2012-7-22 12:30

   機背RCA , 可以咁講機殼走AC 地, 機背 用RCA 位走DC 地

tcflex401 發表於 2012-7-22 13:58

回復 192# homantin

    C Ching

Sorry to mislead you. The cable from the minius is not the RCA head. It is a 3.5mm headphone line and end with one bare cable. Can i use this end and connect to my DAC ( with headphone out ) and the bare cable connect to the minius box. Actually, i use themeter to test the connect between the ground of ICE and the headphone out of my DAC. It shows the signal. It is therefore, i think i can connect in that way. Am i correct ? ( that means i don't need to connect to my screw or other input of my DAC )

tcflex401 發表於 2012-7-22 14:00

回復 193# nicknick

I buy the minius box from another ching from R33 and has a bulit -in cable but i mislead the ching it is the RCA head. Actually this is a 3.5mm headphone head with the other end being the bare cable

tcflex401 發表於 2012-7-22 14:03

回復 194# ensemblefai

   Do you mean you use a new or useless RCA head or use a banana to folk convert and then connect to it ?

ensemblefai 發表於 2012-7-22 15:47

本帖最後由 ensemblefai 於 2012-7-22 16:26 編輯


   Do you mean you use a new or useless RCA head or use a banana to folk conver ...
tcflex401 發表於 2012-7-22 14:03

條地線connect to RCA plug then connect to transport rca output .(Coz 條地線係叉to 叉 nowmodify叉 to Rca plug)
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