一次阿波羅網購經歷-Wireworld Power Cord
本帖最後由 davidwutk 於 2012-5-31 10:23 編輯今日收到阿波羅寄黎既電源線, 發覺蘇頭有明顯花痕,同有D位黃黄地,覺得係用過{:6_121:} ,於是問番佢地啦,點知佢覆
"Your power cord is brand new and any scratches you see are most likely from the manufacturing process and testing."
似係用過{:9_440:} 今日收到阿波羅寄黎既電源線, 發覺蘇頭有明顯花痕,同有D位黃黄地,覺得係用過 ,於是問番佢地啦,點 ...
davidwutk 發表於 2012-5-30 22:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔係用過都係保存得唔好。。。。要求退貨{:8_362:} 退貨啦......{:6_199:} 本帖最後由 davidwutk 於 2012-5-31 10:31 編輯
"I am not sure what to say other than we only sell new items direct from the manufacturer unless otherwise noted in the description. This cable was no differrent and we don't appreciate being accused as doing something deceptive such as selling used as new.
Please send the cable back and we will refund you money including shipping."
我由頭至尾,都無要求退貨,同埋,我都無係paypal complaint,佢好以唔係幾like.唔知其他ching訂野係點,我之前無透過paypal,係網上直接落單,然係發覺注冊既電郵地址打錯,跟住叫佢改,佢就話會改,但係一路都無改.似乎D服務態度麻麻地,仲有,我無要求過discount. 想問下有無Ching係阿波羅訂過電源線尼?我想要求佢換過,唔知結果會唔會都係甘呢? 唔係用過都係保存得唔好。。。。要求退貨
minimoai 發表於 2012-5-30 22:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thx Ching. 真係唔明佢地做到既.{:6_141:} 回復 4# ryanytwong
退貨定換貨呢? 回復 8# davidwutk
退錢,去第二度買過啦....{:6_121:} 睇吓師兄幾錢買返嚟!如果為斗氣損失一條好線材就可惜,我係你就要佢俾返折扣{:9_436:}