iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 11:25

回復 79# nicknick

Nick 兄, 去到C字頭級別(or A字頭), silver地缐included, one end to USB 尾仔, the other end 叉頭去地盒

googleli 發表於 2012-4-15 11:33


iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 11:55

回復 84# googleli

CHing, of course, but that's another long long issue.只可說, (到現在至,不知以後Window發展如何)如CAS想玩HiEnd, 不try Linux, 不如不玩.

However, if CHing wants to go into Linux, sell your Weiss, or else 包你痛苦不盡 (小弟long time ago is also 202 user, until Zodiac 出現)

Also, if Linux and want to use RME sound card (as one part of your system), do NOT buy AIO, or else 又是包你痛苦萬分.

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 12:00

Oh, however, due to my special case, 小弟最常用的 CAS OS 不是linux

googleli 發表於 2012-4-15 12:32

Ching, can I clone your Linux hard disk? Can you be kind enough to post your full PC set up config and also cable config here?

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 12:42

回復 87# googleli

LOL Googlei Hing, there are just too many things, sometime I don't even remember fully what I have done in my whole system (both in software and hardware side).Anyway, will PM you a link, this place will have most of the information.However, do not say I didn't warn you, if you really prepare to go down this route, prepare to spent month and month of timing in tunning/config your system.Good luck.

P.S.Cloning Linux O/S will not really work, the O/S will run for sure, but many detail tunning may lose.

R.C. 發表於 2012-4-15 13:28

nicknick 發表於 2012-4-15 10:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


StevenTam 發表於 2012-4-15 14:57

原來iadwen兄也是那麼用心研究CAS和ZODIAC Gold的用家,我一直覺得要最大提升ZODIAC的表現,電源是關鍵的地方,除了PSU那條過機線外,現在打算把PSU中的機內線換成方芯銀甚至ODIN,不個iadwen兄有何看法? 因為開箱後就會失去保養,日後升級時出二手麻煩,所以一直未敢動手~

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 17:28

回復 90# StevenTam

Steven 兄言重了, 小弟一部分USB線心得正是從你老哥的post取經.
As for the 過機缐 (in between Voltikus and DAC), 有師兄說換了effect不大,因Voltikus已由AC轉了DC才過DAC(小弟未正實真確),但小弟覺得如換了單心缐(不論銅或銀)都應該有正面effect, it is just a matter of how much improvement.
As for mod PSU internal wire, 小弟自問未去到這樣Pro, 理論上可試,但小弟就不會/不敢.反而小弟太懶未換那兩粒"屎"有冇師兄有好介紹?

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 17:57

有種玩意你可試試, 但講明,小弟冇用在DAC,用左燒機not my problem, take your own risk. 我有個朋友將Zodiac case 內貼滿那些"灰銀"膠紙(I think you should know what I am talking about, do not want to 毒害其他CHing as this 膠紙is not cheap at all), for sure 靜左但機身就熱到...The other reason I do not apply this in my DAC is high temp usually will also effect clock 運作
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查看完整版本: Weiss DAC 202 對決 Antelope Zodiac Gold

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