R.C. 發表於 2012-4-15 02:21


jasonbiker 發表於 2012-4-15 05:16

Nick 兄, according to 小弟經驗, 最好聲是:
1. If playingZodiac Gold (講明, this is not a fair compa ...
iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 01:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

想請教吓SOtM tx-USB PCI card 效果如何?

chakat 發表於 2012-4-15 08:33

本帖最後由 chakat 於 2012-4-15 10:06 編輯

Nick 兄, according to 小弟經驗, 最好聲是:
1. If playingZodiac Gold (講明, this is not a fair compa ...
iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 01:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 09:52

回復 74# jasonbiker

CHing, due to Zodiac gold USB special design (不經USB拿電), SOtm card effect very small, almost none, but 有總好過冇, 因為可以在IRQ內改善一些(but that is a different issue)

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 10:06

回復 75# chakat

CHing, 當然不是connect computer case, 小弟覺得這connection effect 有限, AES 有地線connect point (RME manual 有教), add DIY silver female RCA (just like Entreq USB cable) then connect to pure silver 地線.

chakat 發表於 2012-4-15 10:13

回復 77# iadwen


nicknick 發表於 2012-4-15 10:25

本帖最後由 nicknick 於 2012-4-15 10:37 編輯

Nick 兄, according to 小弟經驗, 最好聲是:
1. If playingZodiac Gold (講明, this is not a fair compa ...
iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 01:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


可惜我都用唔到,因為我用MacBook Pro經USB直駁Gold的。{:6_203:}

得條Entreq USB cable可用,我見佢都有條野伸出黎的,請問駁乜的?點駁?好似係用3.5mm插頭喎。

nicknick 發表於 2012-4-15 10:26

R.C. 發表於 2012-4-15 02:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


nicknick 發表於 2012-4-15 10:28


小弟不材,有D唔明想搞清楚,師兄意思係若你用AES入數碼信號時,本身條AES(DIY版)是可以 ...
chakat 發表於 2012-4-15 10:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

我諗是將AES的第1個接點 1-GND 接去地盒嗎?請idawen指教。

iadwen 發表於 2012-4-15 11:10

回復 78# chakat

Chatkit Hing, yeah, I know it is a bit hard to understand...
You see, RME sound card does not have native AES頭, instead they have 9 or 15 pin female connector and use their special split cable (the one I said 好屎 before - one end 9 pin, the other end with several female connectors, i.e. analog, coaxial, AES...) to connect.小弟其他connection全部唔要(I know...我D朋友都話我神經有問題,用張RME只做digital output), cut 左條Vovox AES male connector (又一神經做法, 條線乜得賣) 直接connect去9 pin. Inside 9 pin has 3 connect points for AES connection (正,負,地), 在"地"的connection point 再connect多條銀線出來駁 silver female RCA頭(好像多了一條尾這樣, just like Entreq cable).Hope it is a bit clear now.However, not recommend to follow, as I have mentioned, it is a bit crazy.
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查看完整版本: Weiss DAC 202 對決 Antelope Zodiac Gold

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