lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-16 18:36

It is very cheap indeed from BH Photo with total cost less than HKD900 including shipping.

導演 發表於 2009-3-17 00:13

It is very cheap indeed from BH Photo with total cost less than HKD900 including shipping.
lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-16 18:36
你指個唱盤?請問仲有無得訂? 包唔包唱針?

lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-17 01:02

You can check here if you are interested:

But seems that the price has increased to USD150 now. {:1_260:}

導演 發表於 2009-3-17 01:45

You can check here if you are interested:

But seems that the price has increased to USD150 now. {:1_260: ...
lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-17 01:02
thanks informations ~
又想問問, 唱到尾支唱"秘" 會唔會自動升起回航 ?

lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-17 07:19

Yes and it is indeed an automatic turntable.

dannysure 發表於 2009-3-18 19:31

lumdicks CHing , 你的前置是否更換了?
我在有看到過你在十二月份有post過在別的討論區 , 當時你好像是用Mirage的 !
因小弟準備入對mirage 的OMD-5作後置 , 想請問一下你用家意見.
另外 , 你在用的Mirage nano cc 如何 , 我亦準備換了現有中置 , 在考慮是否用上同一牌子

lkljason 發表於 2009-3-18 20:49


lumdicks 發表於 2009-3-18 23:55

Dannysure CHing:

Yes I have recently changed my front speaker from Mirage Nanosat to MA. Indeed, Mirage Nanosat is a very capable set of 5.1 system as it projects very wide soundstage and good surround effect, especially when watching movie. However, being limited by the size of woofer, even with assistance of subwoofer, it is not performing very good in music playing with not sufficient fineness and details. As a result, I changed to MA with I can switch to 2.1 for music and fortunately it integrateswell with Nano CC and Nano S8.

For Nano CC, I must say that it performs very good with crisp and clear sound given its tidy size. OMD5 is a very good choice for surround in my opinion. But you can consider OMD-C1 as centre as it should match better with OMD-5.

To lkljason:
my eye level is at middle of screen when sitting in sofa so that I think it should be at appropriate position. Thanks for advise anyway.

dannysure 發表於 2009-3-23 00:46

29# lumdicks

Thanks advised !

lumdicks 發表於 2009-4-10 21:50

本帖最後由 lumdicks 於 2009-4-10 21:57 編輯

Just got a new toy - Mirage MM-6 to replace my Nano S8 subwoofer. I must say that it is a great buy and I cannot imagine that a 6 inches subwoofer can give so powerful and deep bass. Recommended for everyone who is looking for mini subwoofer.{:1_254:}

I also add some spikes on my front speaker and SW and it is great.
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查看完整版本: 終於影音分家 (updated in Feb 2011)

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