lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-7 20:55

100# josephm

BR2 is indeed a very respectable speaker for music with good treble (famous for MA) and dynamic bass. Comparing to my existing Proac it is just inferior in terms of details level, sound separation and a bit refinement.

At this price level I must say that BR2 is one of the best choices. Indeed, it is quite balanced for both music and movie.{:6_182:}

garywh666 發表於 2009-9-7 21:33

1# lumdicks


lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-7 21:33

102# timmywan

You will surely enjoy the huge difference for separating audio / video system completely.{:6_193:}

gundamfix2005 發表於 2009-9-7 21:42


How much of your BR2?


lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-7 23:26

105# gundamfix2005

Got mine at $3,500 6 months ago and I think you can get it at around $3,000 now. A great buy and recommended whole-heartedly.{:6_193:}

josephm 發表於 2009-9-7 23:43

105# gundamfix2005

Got mine at $3,500 6 months ago and I think you can get it at around $3,000 now. A great buy and recommended whole-heartedly.{:6_193:}
lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-7 23:26

Is it enough ability as a 2-channel speakers to listen music when without subwoofer?

lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-8 21:09

107# josephm

Definitely yes, providing that you are using a decent stereo AMP instead of "pure audio" mode of AV AMP.

josephm 發表於 2009-9-8 21:20

107# josephm

Definitely yes, providing that you are using a decent stereo AMP instead of "pure audio" mode of AV AMP.
lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-8 21:09

Thanks your comment!
真係心思思想試試....但我驚br2會有少少擋著我部tv.br1 size細dd, 比較合size.c-hing 對br1又如何?

kyoZ 發表於 2009-9-8 23:25

Ching d update 真快

gundamfix2005 發表於 2009-9-11 22:37

105# gundamfix2005

Got mine at $3,500 6 months ago and I think you can get it at around $3,000 now. A great buy and recommended whole-heartedly.{:6_193:}
lumdicks 發表於 2009-9-7 23:26


Where to buy it ?

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查看完整版本: 終於影音分家 (updated in Feb 2011)

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