我之前DAC去電子分音用sommer Epilogue XLR、電子分音用sommer Excelsior RCA去active喇叭,今天入多了一對Sommer Excelsior XLR,將Epilogue換走,現在全段都是走Excelsior了。
好像以前D monitor得4096色後來轉為16萬色咁、又好似topcon mon轉左EIZO mon咁,明明都係那些畫面那些顏色,但一切都更靚、漸變的層次更豐富!
遲D再補相。 回復 81# nicknick
Where can buy in SSP ?{:1_338:} 回復nicknick
Where can buy in SSP ?
ka690 發表於 2012-5-18 08:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
http://www.acoustic.hk/ 雅歌:
nicknick 發表於 2012-5-18 09:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thx very much, Ching,
I just walked its old shop @ Ap liu street yesterday , dunno it moved.
It pay cash can cheaper? Sommer cable quality is very good
for power cable, uses SC-RUBBERFLEX
for HDMI cable, uses EXCELSIOR BlueWater
for speaker cable, uses SC-QUADRA BLUE
for phono cable, uses EPILOGUE or EXCELSIOR
{:1_352:} I hope so......
babuwa 發表於 2012-2-20 16:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
X2,只是年頭已經換哂家中D線。。。真係冇錢再追新嘢{:6_203:} 但很多謝師兄分享,下半年有錢再入。。。。量力而為!{:6_191:} 回復 86# chakat
Nick CHing:
請問 XLR 個插頭有無好似RCA 咁, 要等轉返廣告款那問題呢?
Thx 回復chakat
Nick CHing:
請問 XLR 個插頭有無好似RCA 咁, 要等轉返廣告款那問題呢?
Thx ...
ka690 發表於 2012-5-19 12:00 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Excelsior XLR個頭一直都已經係相片上的那款,沒有改變。 Excelsior XLR個頭一直都已經係相片上的那款,沒有改變。
nicknick 發表於 2012-5-19 12:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
great, 那就買xlr, 無煩惱 {:1_249:}
隱藏於民間的極級武器 - Sommer Excelsior
Nick ching,thanks for your post, I have bought a pair interconnect and love it, have you auditioned excelsior speaker cable, do they think they have high cost/ performance ratio? Web price is quite costly!
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