andyy423 發表於 2009-3-12 17:56

其實佢都係接反去 等綱.
show 出來個介是唔包括寄來香港既郵費
在 是美金計算的.其他一般用au law
對換率係計反credit card入bank時的exchange rate.
e ...
daken 發表於 2009-3-12 12:20

咁連埋運費, 計起上黎都唔係平香港買好多....

daken 發表於 2009-3-20 00:29

本帖最後由 daken 於 2009-3-20 00:41 編輯

隻King Kong遲左成個星期今日先到{:1_255:}
因有同事等唔切買左港版. 現在多左隻,有興趣的版友可去二手區睇睇

pigpighung 發表於 2009-3-20 01:45


lemonstar 發表於 2009-3-20 09:47

哦, 原來多了隻kingkong!

daken 發表於 2009-4-8 17:30

本帖最後由 daken 於 2009-4-8 17:32 編輯

加版比我預算delay左1日. 先前我估4月6. 哈哈.
共訂左U-571 四隻. 可能UK冇stock要其他amazon
寄來. 反而快過UK到(4/1 寄). 我諗係 or fr.

加版真係怕怕. 唔好攪我.............

lukalok 發表於 2009-4-8 19:27

本帖最後由 lukalok 於 2009-4-8 19:30 編輯

UK版U-571係1080i blu-ray同唔係好掂,所以咁平!

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Not 1080p and subtitles lacking, 30 Mar 2008
By         Peter Axford "sasajack" (UK) - See all my reviews
This is a decent film let down by poor utilization of the BD format. For a start the picture, while still streets ahead of DVD, is 1080i not 1080p. Even worse though is the lack of translation for the scenes in German. There is only the option of having all the subtitles (in other words subtitles under the English and German spoken parts) or none at all. If you want to practice your German this is probably a nice thing! Otherwise you're either reaching for your remote to turn the titles on/off or left wondering what the Germans are doing. I seem to remember the DVD did translate the German scenes.

I have now doubt that in 3 years time a special edition will be released in 1080p with proper subtitles so if you can wait that long I would recommend it.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars Beware this Blu-ray version, 8 Oct 2008
By         Mike Prince "mykabra" (Winchester, UK) - See all my reviews
I have the SD "Collectors' Edition" (R1, NTSC), and that version honours the film-makers' choice, and presents the feature in 2.35:1 Cinemascope in a 16x9 window (also known as anamorphic, or enhanced for 16x9 TVs). This displays very nicely on my 9' front-projection Cinemascope screen.

This UK Blu-ray disc is in 16x9, not Cinemascope! I was horrified and spent some time comparing the two versions, being worried that they'd done a 16x9 pan & scan job on the 2.35:1 film, but in fact they haven't; they've just opened the matt to show 1 part more at the top of the screen, and 5 parts more at the bottom. This is not what the film makers intended!

So, by shifting down of the picture and carefully setting my top and bottom blanking to crop appropriately, I *was* able to view the film last night on my 9' Cinemascope screen, and actually the quality of the 1080 transfer is really rather stunning; the colours are particularly bright and vibrant, making the old NTSC copy look really quite drab in comparison.

However there's a problem with subtitles. There are sections of the film spoken in German. On the old SD NTSC copy, English subtitles are hard-burned into the 2.35:1 image whenever German is being spoken, and there's an additional English-language subtitle track you can activate if you need subtitles when English is spoken. Personally, I found the subtitled translation of the German very useful, although for flexibility it would have been better to enable the English translation of the German via a separate subtitle track rather than hard-burn them onto the video...

Not so on this Blu-ray disc. There are no hard-burned subtitles, and your choice is either none or English. If you choose none, you have to understand the German, and if you choose English, you get subtitles throughout the film, whatever the spoken language is. Ok, that's just an annoyance; you can easily toggle the subtitles via the DVD player's remote as required, but, and this is a major problem for me, the subtitles are displayed in the bottom part of the screen BELOW the 2.35:1 part of the image, and thus are displayed below my 9' Cinemascope screen! And with the blanking set to suppress the stuff below the screen, you don't see the subtitles, whether they're turned on or not!

How on earth "Entertainment in Video" can advertise a "2.40:1" icon (showing a letterbox with black bars top and bottom) on the back of this Blu-ray DVD artwork, I have no idea. It's a right cock-up...

daken 發表於 2009-4-9 10:01

下.死火. 比d同事d梗{:6_126:}
都唔平, 計埋要$13x..... US版$15x

maner394 發表於 2009-4-9 10:25

下.死火. 比d同事d梗{:6_126:}
都唔平, 計埋要$13x..... US版$15x
daken 發表於 2009-4-9 10:01

daken 發表於 2009-4-9 10:29


Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-4-9 10:39

daken 發表於 2009-4-9 10:29
Can save money.
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