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[喇叭組合] 小弟想向威馬爺請教喇叭事宜









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小弟想買喇叭但因為budget所限, 決定選擇這裹其中一隻...小弟想向威馬爺請教那一個較好??

Elipson Studio Pro

MDF enclosure with black piano finish (18 mm for sides, 21 mm for front panel).
AVS system to eliminate bass driver vibration.
Bass-reflex tuning with a laminar vent.
Magnetic grid (invisible fastening system).
Customized Peerless mid-bass driver (130 mm). Nomex cone, die-cast frame, phase plug in
center to enhance high frequencies response.
Customized Vifa tweeter with concentric double surface and phase plug.
High quality filter with high grade componentes.
Terminal for bi-amplification or bi-wiring.
Recommended amplifier: 40 – 100 W
Sensitivity: 88 dB / 1W / 1M
Frequency response: 49 – 30 kHz
Filter frequency: 3,5 kHz
Filter slopes: 12 dB/octave for mid-bass, 18 dB/octave for tweeter.
Impedance: 8 ohms
Dimensions (H x W x D): 300 x 160 x 265 mm. 11.8" x 6,3" x 10.4"
made in france

The Studio Pro design is based on advanced technologies developed in Elipson
laboratories. The AVS (Anti-Vibration System) keeps the back part of the bass dri
ver under compression and turns the front panel/driver/enclosure set into a solid,
vibration-free system.
The drivers have been customized for Elipson to obtain outstanding performances


wharfedale DENTON

Description/Format        2-way vented-box / Stand mount
Drive Units        1 x 1" (25mm) High frequency textile dome
1 x 5"" (125mm) Woven Kevlar bass cone
Frequency Response (±3dB )        44Hz - 24kHz
Sensitivity (1W@1M)        86dB
A/V shielded        No
Crossover Frequency        2.3kHz
Nominal Impedance        6Ω
Recommended amplifier power (RMS)        20-100 W
Dimensions (Depth including Grille & Terminals)        Height: 320mm
Width: 200mm
Depth: (275+30)mm (Grille & Terminals included)
Net weight        7.9 kg/pc
made in china

Balanced Veneered ‘Sandwich’ Cabinet Walls: The cabinet walls utilise Wharfedale’s unique ‘Sandwich’ construction of differing wood materials to improve panel resonance, reduce internal sound transmission and, aided by structural internal bracing, diminish coloration. The chosen veneers are balanced inside and out and are beautifully hand finished in Mahogany in the classic bookshelf tradition.
    Inset Front Baffle: The front baffle is firmly locked into the cabinet by a deep inset. This contributes to the speaker’s traditional look and, more importantly, to its improved sound quality, as it reduces cabinet vibration and provides a stable platform for the drive units.

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