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看到美國、英國及德國的消費者可以享受特價 US$99 的 HP TouchPad 的時候,身在香港的朋友們,你也想得到這份遲來的厚禮嗎?HP 香港剛剛公佈已經以原價 HK$3,180 及 HK$3,980 分別購買 16GB 及 32GB 版本的朋友,將可於即日起至 9 月 16 日下午五時正前,可致電 800-93-8833,取回與調整後價格的差價,即實際取得 HK$2,400 及 HK$2,810,相信這個消息可以讓先買到 TouchPad 的朋友開心吧!
至於喜歡檢平貨的我們,也許仍需忐忑不安,因為有關方面並沒有表明未來會否以調整後售價 HK$780 及 HK$1,170 購買 HP TouchPad,你想要一台低價的 Android Tablet 嗎 (外國已經有朋友成功把 Android 2.2 灌進 TouchPad 了)? 也許還是找外國的朋友幫忙,比較實際,切勿守株待兔啊!
以下是管方新聞稿 ...
就近日於美國公佈有關 HP TouchPad 的停產及價格調整的消息所引起的迴響,HP 香港將作出以下相對應的安排。
凡於早前在香港購買 HP TouchPad 的客戶可於即日至2011 年9月16日〔下午5:00或之前〕致電︰800-93-8833,辦理退款登記手續。
1) 放棄保留所購買的 HP TouchPad,並要求全數退款。
• 客戶必須於電話登記後,應要求出示 HP TouchPad 購買發票正本。相關發票一經確認後,即可進一步安排退回所購買的 HP TouchPad及領取退回款項事宜。
• 客戶需於指定日期前,到登記時所指定的客戶服務中心,領取相關退款的支票時,一併退回所購買的 HP TouchPad 及盒內所有配件予該客戶服務中心。若發現所退回的 HP TouchPad 機身有任何損壞或欠缺任何盒內配件,HP 香港有權拒絕辦理全數退款要求。
2) 保留所選購的HP TouchPad,而 HP 香港將以下調整後價格及首日定價,退回兩者之間的差價予相關客戶。
• 客戶必須於電話登記後,應要求出示HP TouchPad 購買發票正本。相關發票一經確認後,即可進一步安排退回差價款項事宜。
• HP 香港會因應客戶所購買的 HP TouchPad 版本,就以下首日定價及調整後價格,以支票形式退回兩者之間的差額予相關客戶。
- 首日定價︰16GB – HK$3,180 / 32GB – HK$3,980
- 調整後價格︰16GB – HK$780 / 32GB – HK$1,170
- 兩者差價︰16GB – HK$2,400 / 32GB – HK$2,810
• 客戶需於指定日期前,到登記時所指定的客戶服務中心,領取相關差額退款的支票時,一併出示所購買的HP TouchPad 及相關購買發票正本。若客戶未能出示其中一項以作為購買證明,HP 香港有權拒絕辦理退款要求。
Regarding recent announcement about the discontinuance of HP TouchPad and the price adjustment in the US, HP Hong Kong will respond to that with the following arrangement.
HP Hong Kong will offer refund to the customers who purchased the HP TouchPad in Hong Kong before. The customer can
call 800-93-8833 to register for the refund from now to 16 September 2011 (on or before 5:00pm).
Affected customers can choose either option below:
1) Return the HP TouchPad purchased and get full refund.
• Customers will be requested to provide the original copy of the purchase invoice after the completion of registration by phone. Once the purchase invoice has been verified, the return of HP TouchPad purchased and redemption of the refund will be proceeded accordingly.
• Customers are required to redeem the cheque for refund and return the HP TouchPad purchased at the designated service center during specific period which is confirmed by the customers during the registration. The customers need to return the HP TouchPad purchased with all accessories included in the original package to the service center. If any physical damage on the HP TouchPad returned or missing accessories is found, HP Hong Kong has the right to reject the full refund request.
2) Keep the HP TouchPad purchased and get a credit for the price difference.
• Customers will be requested to provide the original copy of the purchase invoice after the completion of registration by phone. Once the purchase invoice has been verified, the credit of the price difference will be proceeded accordingly.
• HP Hong Kong will offer the credit for the price difference between the first-launch price and the adjusted price based on the version of HP TouchPad purchased by the customers. The credit refund will be offered by a cheque.
- First-launch price: 16GB – HK$3,180 / 32GB – HK$3,980
- Adjusted price: 16GB – HK$780 / 32GB – HK$1,170
- Price difference: 16GB – HK$2,400 / 32GB – HK$2,810
• Customers are required to redeem the cheque of refund at the designated service center during specific period which is confirmed by the customers during the registration. The customers are required to present the HP TouchPad purchased and original copy of the purchase invoice as the purchase supporting items. If the customers fail to present either purchase support items at the point of cheque redemption, HP Hong Kong has the right to reject the refund request.