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[重低音] Behringer VP1800S Professional 1600-Watt 18" PA Subwoofer









Rank: 8Rank: 8


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發表於 2010-10-28 01:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2010-10-28 01:23 編輯

Professional 1600-Watt 18'' subwoofer for PA applications (400 Watts Continuous / 1600 Watts Peak Power)
Exceptional sound quality, wide frequency bandwidth and dynamic range
Precise reproduction of ultra-low frequencies with a clear, powerful punch
Ergonomically shaped handles for easy transport
Pole socket for speaker mounting pole
Rugged steel grille for optimal speaker protection
2 professional speaker connectors
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany



Designed for musicians by musicians, the VP1800S subwoofer merges incredible sonic performance with amazing affordability. The VP1800S is supremely portable and well suited for musical applications, and is the natural choice for commercial installation.

Power Handling Capacity   clarity.png
The VP1800S subwoofer is engineered to handle the demands of professional gigs, from small clubs to large stages. With its 1,600-Watts power handling capability, the VP1800S cranks out massive amounts of aggressive bottom-end, making it the ideal way to add tremendous punch to your current sound system

power.png Massive Bass
In order to produce tight, deep bass, a subwoofer has to move lots of air. EUROLIVE loudspeakers accomplish this by using powerful, long-excursion LF (Low Frequency) drivers that are handmade in our own factory. While some companies are content to use “off-the-shelf” drivers, we custom-design each LF driver to perfectly match its enclosure and application. The VP1800S features a powerful 18" long-excursion LF driver in a tuned enclosure, providing rich, tight bass all the way down to 40 Hz. That’s extraordinarily deep bass that will shake the house right down to its foundation.

Let’s Get Technical construction.png
The VP1800S is capable of extremely high sound pressure levels (100 dB half space 1 W @ 1 m) and provides a 40 to 200 Hz frequency range. A standard 35-mm (1.375") pole socket is provided for pole-mounting loudspeakers atop the VP1800S. The internal Low-pass filter (LPF) is fixed at 150 Hz. Both 1/4" and professional-style twist-lock connectors are provided.









Rank: 8Rank: 8


76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2010-10-28 01:20 | 顯示全部樓層
High-Performance 2,200-Watt PA Loudspeaker with Dual 15" Woofers


High-performance 2,200-Watt PA loudspeaker
Extremely powerful dual 15'' long-excursion drivers provide incredibly deep bass and acoustic power
Proprietary 1.75'' titanium-diaphragm compression driver for exceptional high-frequency reproduction
Ultra-wide 50 Hz – 18 kHz frequency range (-10 dB); impedance 4 Ohms
Extremely high sound pressure level (99 dB full space 1 W @ 1 m)
Overload-protection circuitry ensures optimal HF driver protection
Parallel input connectors allow linking of additional loudspeakers
Ergonomically shaped handles for easy transport
Rugged steel grill for optimal speaker protection
Professional speaker connectors, compatible with Neutrik Speakon connectors
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany

You’ve worked hard to get to this point in your musical career. Now you’re ready to take your message to the masses. Your performance, and your audience, deserves a loudspeaker system that delivers the power and clarity of your vision—it deserves EUROLIVE Professional.

Power Handling Capacity   clarity.png
The B2520 PRO loudspeaker is engineered to handle the demands of professional gigs, from small clubs to large stages. Capable of handling up to 2,200 Watts, the B2520 PRO’s design makes it a great-sounding PA loudspeaker for front-of-house, as well as side fill monitor applications.

power.png Luxurious Lows
In order to produce tight, deep bass, a loudspeaker has to move lots of air. EUROLIVE Professional Series loudspeakers accomplish this by using powerful, long-excursion LF (Low Frequency) drivers that are handmade in our own factory. While some companies are content to use “off-the-shelf” drivers, we custom-design each LF driver to perfectly match its enclosure and application. The B2520 PRO features dual 15" long-excursion LF drivers in a tuned enclosure, providing rich, tight bass all the way down to 50 Hz. That’s bass that you can feel, as well as hear.

Spacious Highs   special.png
High-frequency (HF) content can easily make or break your performance. Too much and the sound becomes brittle and obnoxious, too little and it sounds muddy and poorly defined. The EUROLIVE PRO Series’ 1.75" titanium-diaphragm compression driver provides natural-sounding high end, with an ultra-wide 100° x 50° sound dispersion pattern.

versatility.png Let’s Get Technical
B2520 PRO’s unique enclosure profile allows multiple positioning options: 10° or 35° cluster and stacking mode, or positioning as a side fill monitor. The B2520 PRO is capable of extremely high sound pressure levels (99 dB full space 1 W @ 1 m) and provides a 50 Hz to 18 kHz frequency range. Built-in overload-protection circuitry ensures optimal HF driver protection.
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