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Media Player: C200 02-02-100118-19-POP-408 (29.01.2010)









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76 榮譽VIP勲章

發表於 2010-1-29 22:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Hi bros, new firmware is out!


Release date : 29 January 2010
Firmware version : 02-02-100118-19-POP-408-000

1. New NMT apps 02-01-100119-19-POP-408
   - Workaround for CDDA issues (Bug #5000302, #5000303)
   - Workaround for BD-ROM via USB support
   - Performance improvement for BD ISO playback
   - Added patches for audio bitstream issues
   - Enabled MENU key for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS playback
   - Added REPEAT A-B function for DVD/VIDEO_TS and CDDA
     - Known to have slow response
     - A-B interval of less than 2sec may have issue
   - Workaround for BD audio no output after switch from HD audio to Dolby Digital/DTS
   - Fixed after HDMI audio muted, DVD playback will have noise on audio output
3. Video and Audio playback
   - Fixed detection conflict between FLAC, WAV and AVS video (Bug #5000287)
   - Enable support for FLAC and VORBIS with 3, 4 & 5 channels
   - Support Thai(codepage 874) external ext-based subtitle
   - Checking of Byte Order Mark for external SRT in UTF8 (Bug #5000322)
   - Fixed positioning of long/large-size text-based subtitle
   - Fixed external text-based subtitle via HTTP e.g. myiHome not loaded (Bug #5000250)
   - Fixed resume/bookmark issue; only seekable files can be bookmarked now  
   - Fix to only allow files with duration and seekable status to do time seek (LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO) (Bug #5000139)  
   - Fixed file certain WMV clip unable to end after LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO seek
   - Fixed STEP on clip that is not steppable will terminate playback
   - Fixed after trigger SEEK LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO on the infobar will show PAUSE/STOP icon then only show PLAY icon.
   - Fixed hang-up when press PLAY on m3u file (Bug #5000320)
   - Fixed issue regarding video zoom/scaling (Bug #5000327)
   - Improvements for h264 video frame sequence calculation to handle typical h264 encoding fault
     caused by non-standard ripping
   - MKV chapter support, use PREV/NEXT key
   - Added FLAC metadata display for music playback
   - Added shuffle feature for music playlist; press REPEAT to toggle
   - Added gapless playback feature for audio playback (first phase)
     - only for MP3 and WAV now, and for subsequent files of same format
     - cannot seek when prebuffer starts near end of file
   - Fixed certain TS video clips cannot do LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO/TIME SEEK seek/resume from bookmark.
   - Fixed if huge MKV chapter size causing system error.
   - Fixed certain Internet radio cannot play.
   - Fixed UPnP-AV (WMP11) playlist item crashes.
   - embedded PGS subtitle support for M2TS files (first phase)
   - Fixed PGS/M2TS subtitle rendering resolution flaw
   - Enabled camcoder AVCHD type detection.
   - Added gapless audio support for FLAC format.
   - Support for changing subtitle encoding on-the-fly
     - in subtitle menu; only for ASCII codepages (Latin1, Greek,
       Cyrillic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Thai), GB2312, BIG5, Shift_JIS and UTF-8)
   - Fixed missing space with italic subtitle
   - Fixed PGS subtitle potential hang.
   - Workaround to enable 24Hz at auto framerate sync
   - Fixed gapless playback feature for small mp3 file less than 1MB
   - Added album art retrieval from FLAC metadata
   - Added Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Saturation setting for video
     (press Setup during video playback)
   - Fixed issue where single file playback could not toggle repeat mode.
   - Fixed M2TS PGS subtitle issue
   - Workaround WMAPro bitstream output issue
   - Added all playable formats allow for audio playlist
   - Fixed incomplete FLAC metadata retrieval
   - Fixed playlist sometimes does not start from correct file
   - Fixed m4a song info and album art display
   - Patch Colorspace algorithm (for file playback only)
   - Fixed playback failure via certain HTTP server (SwissCenter)
4. Photo app
   - Slideshow, new photo info (ISO speed, F number and Exposure time)
5. OSD
   - slight modification for info display during video/photo playback.
6. System/Network
   - Resolved screensaver setting issue after restoring factory setting
   - Fixed video scaling info not updated during PAUSE (Bug #5000306)
   - Disallow file copy of over 4GB to FAT device (filesystem limitation)
   - included kernelmode NTFS read/write driver
   - Fixed configure proxy result in error page
   - Fixed DVD parental setting cannot be saved
   - minor update on Chinese/Japanese language pack
   - Fixed HDD name not displayed
   - Fixed occasional detection failure of NTFS harddisk
   - New network share UI
   - Turn on syabas_command_server
   - Improve time for NFS (UDP/TCP) client login to non-exist/blocked shares
   - Improve time for server discovery utility
   - More intelligent handling of protocol type instead of .udp. default
   - Torrent client HTTP wget fix
   - Network share, number of allowed persistent links has been increased to 20.
   - Fixed USB unmount issue
   - Fixed issue of incorrect redirection when changing password in NMT Apps page
   - Fixed CD status update while opening/closing
   - Fixed issue where some servers were missing from the discovery
7. Browser
   - press PLAY on non-playable item will instead play from first playable
     item in the folder
   - Browser user-agent missing closing bracket.
   - Added "remove USB device" feature in file mode menu
   - For browser to display USB mount point instead of USB name
   - browser will stay busy until all images from previous page is loaded
   - Fixed file operation delete/copy/newfolder/move/rename/createplaylist does not update the list in UI
   - Fixed Internet radio showing image info on front panel LCD
   - Fixed SD mode media source listing issue, broken in previous RC release
   - Fixed PHF launch without special HTML attributes
8. WiFi
   - Fixed connection failure if disable SSID broadcast at router and key in SSID manually (Bug #5000331)
   - Fixed unable to play Internet radio via MSP when using WiFi (Bug #5000330)
9. UPnP AV
   - Resolved photo pause-next will hang the system
   - support mp2v m4a mp4 m4v.
   - Resolved PlayOn "no content found" problem
   - Fixed URL with parameters cannot find extension
10. Web Services
    - App Center service
    - Official SHOUTcast service added
    - Fixed "scroll up" page handling issue.
    - Fixed loading wrong saved flash info in SD mode








Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


76 榮譽貢獻勲章76星級影音勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章76-FC 黑鑽石勲章

發表於 2010-1-30 09:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you brother








Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


76 榮譽貢獻勲章76星級影音勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章76-FC 黑鑽石勲章

發表於 2010-1-30 09:45 | 顯示全部樓層
還未有fix PiP HD audio bit-stream 問題
但操作速度好像提升了還未有fix PiP HD audio bit-stream 問題








Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12


76 榮譽VIP勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2010-1-31 00:28 | 顯示全部樓層
3# chhanthony

>還未有fix PiP HD audio bit-stream 問題
It may be fixed in next official release

Firmware Beta 1, 27. January 2010

1. NMT apps 02-01-100119-19-POP-408 (previous Release!!)
    - Fixed scaling/zoom/pan OSD menu unintended pop-up when playback near end of file
    - Added ANGLE switching OSD display for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS/BRD playback.
    - Added option in SETUP page to enable or disable BD PiP (audio bitstream now also on BD's with PIP or Bonusview)
3. Video Photo and Audio playback
    - Patched ColorSpaceAlgorithm (for file playback only).
    - workaround hack for MKV audio lip-sync issue
    - Fixed playback failure via certain HTTP server (SwissCenter)
    - Fixed scaling/zoom/pan OSD menu unintended pop-up when playback near end of file
    - Fixed STOP key cannot save the bookmark file to flash setting when scaling/zoom/pan menu is ON.
    - Fixed playlist sometimes does not start from correct file
    - Improved SRT subtitle parsing
    - Display language code of MKV embedded subtitles
    - Fixed m4a song info and album art display
    - Fixed incomplete FLAC metadata retrieval (John Farnham-01-You are the voice.flac, Sting-04-Jeremiah Blues(Part 1).flac)
    - Fixed specific ASF cannot fast forward
    - Fixed subtitle CP1258 detection
    - Fixed audio track persistency issue in mkv and avi playback
    - Disable subpicture for .VOB file play
    - Fixed WAV detection that crash with MPEG1/2
    - Fixed subtitle switching issue with MPEG; previously broken external subtitle on/off function
4.  System
    - Added USB keyboard hotplug handling
           - CEC workaround (tested with LG TV + LG BD Player)
5.  Gaya
    - Fixed HTTP mime type overwritten issue
6.  PHF
    - Shoutcast phf having problem; removed for now
    - enable RobG system font
7.  Wifi
    - Fixed issue where empty entry is displayed in the SSID dropdown list
    - Added in support for extended printable ASCII characters for SSID/security code input
    - Fixed soft reboot wasn't able to reboot machine, after connection to network with wifi device
    - Check on WPA state and continue with configuration when state is WPA_COMPLETED
    - Fixed improper word displayed at the wifi connection column while not able to establish connection
    - Improved IP address acquisition when using DHCP
    - Added link quality indicator on network setup page.








Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


76 榮譽貢獻勲章76星級影音勲章76 榮譽鑽石勲章76 榮譽VIP勲章76 精選榮譽會員勲章76-FC 黑鑽石勲章

發表於 2010-2-1 10:10 | 顯示全部樓層
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