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[CAS音響] 經過「洗水」後數碼失真(Jitter)可減少,從而提昇音質 ?









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德國洗水王Mutec MC-3+USB

經過「洗水」後數碼失真(Jitter)可減少,從而提昇音質 ?

https://www.price.com.hk/news/20 ... 7%8E%8Bmutec-mc3usb

The MC-3+ Smart Clock is developed to significantly improve the audiophile quality of connected digital audio devices in two ways: At first by clocking devices with ultra-low-jitter Word Clock signals and secondly by aggressively re-clocking incoming digital audio signals.

Incorporates MUTEC's unique 1G-Clock Technology for lowest jitter possible
Improves audiophile quality of any connected digital audio device
Re-clocks digital audio most aggressively
Raises clearly audible the sound quality of any DA converter
Eliminates digital "Clicks and Pops"
Enhances existing master clocks
Digitally-compensated clock accuracy for highest precision of the generated clocks
Locks to 10 MHz clock signals of so-called Atomic clocks or GPS receivers
Outputs clock signals fail-safe in any state of operation
Generates Word Clocks, Super Clocks, AES3 + S/P-DIF blanks simultaneously
Converts between AES3 and S/P-DIF as well as between AES11 and Word Clock
Generates Word Clocks up to 768.0 kHz
New-designed, simple user interface
Front panel lock-out for preventing misuse
Rack-space-saving 9.5" housing
Built-in, international power supply

Usability in Studio and Live Event Environments

The new MC-3+ Smart Clock works not only as generator, but also as clock distributor. Unlike other products, the MC-3+ effectively regenerates incoming clock signals to higher purity as the signal source. This helps to stabilize already existing clock systems and improves the level of sound reproduction quality in your studio environment. In cases when the MC-3+'s digitally-compensated clock accuracy is not sufficient, it is possible to lock the system to references of higher accuracy like so-called Atomic clocks or GPS receivers to raise the timing accuracy to the highest possible level. Additional to that, for the use during live events or in mobile trucks, the MC-3+ features anytime-fail-safe clock generation in every state of operation. Entering the hold-over-mode and re-synchronization of returning clock references is carried out so smoothly that live recordings will surely not be affected. Thus, the new MUTEC MC-3+ Smart Clock ensures flawless synchronization of connected devices at any time, while enhancing the sound of your audio production impressively.

with 10M Clock !

with 10M Clock !
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