我之前用Yamaha AV AMP夾歐洲製造的philips電視,又累似師兄你咁嘅情況,叫丫記上黎睇,佢就話係飛記問題,叫飛記上黎睇,佢又話係丫記問題,真係激鬼死我!好彩部飛記用到差唔多,之後換左部三星TV,我又吹佢唔漲,又冇呢個問題,仲用到依家(已用此電視三年),希望師兄你唔駛好似我咁又換呢樣又換嗰樣啦!祝好運 本來我都想換天龍玩下,好彩我冇銀用,冇得換
pigpigchan 發表於 2016-8-23 13:28
我之前用Yamaha AV AMP夾歐洲製造的philips電視,又累似師兄你咁嘅情況,叫丫記上黎睇,佢就話係飛記問題, ...
Ph brand TV did have more HDMI compatibility issues in the past. I do not expect Samsung TV to be problematic in this area, as long as UHD color and Anynet+ are disabled, and all ports have been tried.