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[藍光播放機] 鬼妹752BD FIRMWARE 更新









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https://techsupport.cambridgeaud ... est-Firmware-Update

10th December 2014

Here at Cambridge Audio, we’ve been working hard to make your 752BD experience even better! There is a new firmware update. The new firmware version is 752BDCU-19-1009 for region A units, or 752BD-19-1009 for Region B units.

Region A (North, Central and South American and Southeast Asian countries plus Taiwan, Japan, China Hong Kong, China Macau and Korea).

Region B (most European, African and southwest Asian countries plus Australia and New Zealand).

Features of the new update (version 752BD(CU)-19-1009) include;

    Resolved a Picture Adjustment issue found on V18 firmware. Customers reported that after changing the Picture Adjustment parameters for HDMI 1, the value of Contrast Enhancement would automatically go back to 0. It has been fixed in this firmware.
    Resolved a playback issue with regular DVD discs found on V18 firmware. Customers reported that if the "DVD 24p Conversion" was set to "On", pressing the REV (rewind) button within the DVD playback could cause the player to immediately freeze up. This issue has been resolved in this firmware.
    Resolved a HDMI Audio issue with some 2L Blu-ray Music discs. Customers reported that if the AV Sync was set to 90ms and above, there might be no audio signal from both HDMI outputs.
    Modified the RS-232 serial control protocol: fixed an issue with "#SZM" that could not change the Aspect Ratio.
    Improved the Gapless Playback feature, and resolved an issue where the gapless mode could not be enabled for some 96 kHz / 24-bit WAV files.
    Improved support for CUE files, specifically for CUE files that point to multiple WAV files.
    General disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.
    Add a feature that when streaming in 5.1 channel or 7.1 channel LPCM in bitstream mode, the 752BD can output Dolby digital or DTS (multichannel) through S/PDIF.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.


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