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[討論] DX 50 批數的迷思









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發表於 2013-10-20 22:27 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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節錄其他網站話4th 同5th batch 已經有好明顯改善,(用同一個firmware)5th 聲音明顯闊咗, 到底係咪,請問大家有無人試過比較?



About two weeks after the “first” batch of the DX50 I received (this was probably Ibasso’s 4th batch), I received a second batch of DX50s (all these are for the store, for sale to our customers). I don’t want to ruin the day of the people who bought our first batch, but there definitely are some serious differences in technicalities between the store’s first and second batch (Ibasso’s 5th batch?). Our second batch has a significantly more spacious, open sound. With manufacturing consistencies seemingly always a challenge that’s not necessarily addressed in the design stage, would’ve known what happened between the two batches. I definitely was surprised to hear the difference. Though some of the comments I made about the sound still apply, the huge improvement is that the DX50 is now extremely spacious, and easily “outspace” the AK100 player, while still retaining its smooth sound. Now, if only it could improve the dynamics and range…

Some people who refused to get the DX50 based on their impression based on the store’s demo unit (first batch) changed their mind after listening to a second batch unit whom one customer purchased and shared in front of all of us. Since we have sold out our second batch units, I’m in the process of ordering a third batch and so I’m curious to see if there are any further differences. Keep in mind that between the two batches I compared earlier, both units have been equipped with the latest firmware from Ibasso 1.20.

Another improvement that we get with the latest firmware is that I now very rarely encounter any crashes. Definitely a big plus over the original firmware and I believe the firmware will continue to be improved by Ibasso.
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