CANEEKER 發表於 2013-2-20 00:48 ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
我無原因去選擇日本品牌,只是手上有條 SAEC 攞來吹下水而已。
ah ... okay. btw, don't call me Big-C / high-man... we are all learning day by day through trial and error.
Information is important. The more you know, you will have guide / clues to know what is going on with the sound.
Trust your ears, somehow, if you don't know what is going on, then probably you normally end up into a reference that
higher price = better sound hypothesis.
This is indeed quite tragic; because you don't have the way to further improves your system and plan for a better way to upgrade effectively. i.e. to say... you spend more 冤枉$ in finding a so called better sound, but in fact, the problem may be coming from other major aspects etc... and at the end... keeps circling, changing different brands until you are running out of budget. Anyways, I may have talked it too much serious...
Talking about Optical fiber alone, I had a little experience to share. First thing you need to know is the Bandwidth of the optical fiber.
The higher the better, a.k.a better sound in terms of more refined images, details etc.
So, what makes a better Bandwidth optical fiber?
1) The material that makes the fiber itself, the purer the better... e.g. glass vs transparent plastic etc...
2) Lesser internal reflection of light inside the fiber ( light travels along the fiber inside... the purer media it is, the light would travel in a less reflective fashion; here also becomes less jittery in a time-aspect fashion
3) Cutting point of both ends... the exit and entrance of light signal; pay extra care on them when use, don't get them scratched.
After you get a better Bandwidth optical fiber and connect it, the fact that your system sound may not sound more pleasant to you. You may find more "sterility" of sound characteristic or possible even less warmth, but the good things will be more solid images, more spacial 3D, possibly quieter background.
In fact, a better cable should always give you what is having in Side A before passing to Side B. If Side A is more polluted / noisy, these features are normally truly carried by a better cable to Side B. However, most people would rather choose a less-reflective cable in order to make the overall sound blurrier but more pleasant. Therefore, you may also find that some people may claim that using a plastic / unknown spec Toslink cable is far more musical than a Lifatech one. ( again, trust your ears rule without knowing what possibly might be going on. )
There are 2 sides for a coin. The fact that, when you choose a blurrier approach, you would never find the way to improve the sound effectively since you are not handling the problem existing in Side A... also, you sacrifice the original potential of a corrected Side A by connecting it with a blurrier Cable.
So, before making your final decision; you have to know what you are indeed looking for. I share you these simply to let you know you may still have such outcome even using a Lifatech Optical fiber.
my 2 cents.