Sound ok, but not yet tested seriously, As it is without cpu fan,less noise . This is a reason for me to choose the mother board
Further imprivement will be on the power supplies coming with the case. I may change it later as an upgrade
Temp of the Cpu is about 5x-6x, greatly depending on the case you use
I am happy with this as it is fanless for cpu and chipset!
My advice is to use SSD rather than HDD, HDD will generate noise and will be easiler to die due to heat
The weakness point in the system for CAS is on the power supply! Should further upgrade if have $$$
The Asus E45m1 i-delux MB is a new model, with bundled CPU AMD E450 and Graphic Processing Unit 6320. The old one in the link above used Atom 330, not powerful enough for movie.
Another weaknwess for Q09f is that -->
It has to use slim bluray drive/DVD drive and has no room for expansion cards. You need to use MB built-in graphic chip and sound chips. For CAS, I use its USB output to my DAC, so it is not an issue.