myblue 發表於 2012-3-8 19:34

嘩, 都幾多問題?

sero3 發表於 2012-3-8 20:05

myblue兄, 好耐冇見{:6_189:}重係諗緊{:6_141:}

myblue 發表於 2012-3-8 21:38

Hello, sero3兄, 近排轉佐去玩大玩具, 宜家返呢啦.冇玩media player一排, 要跟跟Forum 先.

sonic 發表於 2012-3-8 22:02


說明書第14章度有,係setup menu>maintenance>NMT setup Wizard果度有得format HDD ...
goro 發表於 2012-3-8 18:00


另外OPTICAL的問題解決,除左SET番HDMI OFF外,我自己部M的SETTING有少少錯左。 唔該曬!

tiger23 發表於 2012-3-11 00:43

本帖最後由 tiger23 於 2012-3-11 01:46 編輯

1. can A/C 300 play 3D movie?
2. apart from the bluray rom rack, what is the difference between a300 and c300?

thanks chings

metal08 發表於 2012-3-11 06:32

1.only 3D mkv movie, cannot play 3D bd iso
2.main difference -- c300 can play commercial retail blu-ray discs (in the bluray rom rack).a300 cannot do that as it does not have AACS licence.Also, there is a large difference in build quality, such as c300 got internal ac adaptor, etc

tiger23 發表於 2012-3-11 16:39

1.only 3D mkv movie, cannot play 3D bd iso
2.main difference -- c300 can play commercial retail...
metal08 發表於 2012-3-11 06:32

metal08 ching, thanks for your advice.
1. then in the market, is there any media player can play 3D bd iso?
2. Sorry, I am not quite understand the AACS licence. Does it mean that A300 cannot play some video files coz it does not have the AACS license? What are these files?

thanks again.

metal08 發表於 2012-3-11 19:35 player using Realtek 1186 chipset can play 3D bd iso, check some other threads in this forum.
2.AACS license must be obtained for any blu-ray player to play retail blu-ray disc (i.e., 正版藍光碟).A300 has no problem to play video files, etc.In other words, you only need C300 if you want to play 正版藍光碟 by connecting a BD-ROM to C300.Otherwise, A300 is OK.

tiger23 發表於 2012-3-12 09:31

Sigma最強陣營之A-300(小除夕)開箱 player using Realtek 1186 chipset can play 3D bd iso, check some other threads in this forum.
2.AACS license must be obtained for any blu-ray player to play retail blu-ray disc (i.e., 正版藍光碟).A300 has no problem to play video files, etc.In other words, you only need C300 if you want to play 正版藍光碟 by connecting a BD-ROM to C300.Otherwise, A300 is OK.

metal08 ching,
Thanks so much for your detailed explanation. Since I am currently using a media player with realtek, I want to upgrade to a player with sigma for 3d bd iso. May be I need to wait for the release of such player.

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

sonic 發表於 2012-3-14 13:56


1/ 播片有時會窒… 播幾秒鐘窒一窒, 唔知係file問題定係機問題。
2/ 試過一次播唔到片,按完file之後黑一陣之後又彈番出去個電影list度,要斷電再黎先得。
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查看完整版本: Sigma最強陣營之A-300(小除夕)開箱

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