AVSHD 709 - 免費調教畫面影片/碟
本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-6-6 03:17 編輯剛睇返上期EZONE介紹的..{:1_345:}
This project aims to provide a free set of calibration patterns for high definition (HD) video players. You will find downloads here to create discs for Blu-ray and HD DVD players, a version with MP4 1080p video for computers or other compatible devices, and PDFs with basic instructions for the patterns. The Blu-ray and HD DVD discs can be burned to DVD media, but they are intended only for HD players. These calibration patterns are not intended for standard DVD players, and they are not expected to calibrate for Rec. 601 video used in commercial DVDs. The patterns are meant only to calibrate for Rec. 709 encoded HD video, such as commercial Blu-rays or HD DVDs.
Our primary intent is to offer HD video patterns for calibrating digital displays (LCD, Plasma, DLP, D-ILA, SXRD). That means there are no audio portions or patterns specifically meant for analog TVs (CRT), which can be found on Digital Video Essentials and Avia discs. The patterns provided have simply been divided into sections for different tasks, and each section is made up of a number of video patterns. The Blu-ray and HD DVD discs allow you to select sections from the menus, and the video clips in each section can be navigated by chapter skipping. The Basic Settings, Miscellaneous Patterns, and Resolution sections are intended to be useful in setting user controls for your electronics with no test equipment, except possibly a color filter. The remaining sections are meant for taking measurements from the display, with a colorimeter or spectroradiometer, using software like ColorHCFR or CalMAN. The Related Links area of this post will take you to more information about measurements, and further details about using the patterns are covered in the attached PDF files. 多謝k2elvin
好似準過用DVE校 Thanks ...! 唔該哂.DL 左 ,
加DVE嘅濾鏡?冇就唔駛玩? {:1_347:} 無的話只可以校光亮度同對比度
校唔到顏色同頻色調 呢個野真係正, 仲有得free~~~~ thanks for sharing! {:6_236:}