我用amazon cs 回覆,所以冇留底,不過呢次印象中冇乜特別要求。可能佢冇晒stock, 驚再寄黎都有事又黎多次,所以最後包得好企理{:1_352:}.
有驚無險!的第一次 amazon.fr
回復 20# 命硬好人我用amazon cs 回覆,所以冇留底,不過呢次印象中冇乜特別要求。可能佢冇晒stock, 驚再寄黎都有事又黎多次,所以最後包得好企理{:1_352:}.
法遜cs 串到連email 都唔覆!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 咁好彩有獨立包裝。 你係咪講英遜?
法遜cs 串到連email 都唔覆!
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 ...
命硬好人 發表於 30/12/2011 17:24 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
法遜有大客仔都唔理, 反而幫D小商戶{:1_352:}
Dear Customer,
I'm sorry about the problem you had with your BluRay Disc. I've placed a new order for you at no charge. Here are the details:
Order Number: 171-9168695-7422758
Shipping Speed: Fast Shipping
Estimated Delivery Date: Between 25 nov. 11 - 29 nov. 11
When sending a replacement, it is our policy to request that you must return the original item to Amazon.fr within 30 days. However, as the cost of returning the package is in this case prohibitively expensive, we ask that you keep the original item with our compliments. Perhaps you would like to donate it to a charity in your area if you feel it would be appropriate to do so.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I hope your new order works out. We hope to see you again soon.
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