我部Canon S45 (11樓加了IR相)
本帖最後由 ahnel 於 2009-2-8 13:05 編輯http://f20.yahoofs.com/hkblog/Q03UUJqRGyjsc706Zsf_k3k-_17/blog/ap_20090204114157291.jpg.jpg?ib_____DDcnFgXgN
http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ck_lee_hk/article?mid=6570 woooo......good action.
awaiting your ir photo.
I hope one day I have chance to do it on my dc.... i dont dare to do such operation on my cameras... If you have more than one dc, to have one to be for high speed ir camara.... I think it's not a bad idea. 服~~~ {:6_168:} 肢............解...........勁{:5_71:} 勁, 做手術~~~~ 我都想肢解我部GX100變IR呀~ 8# ahnel
I also think about it..... but just thinking.
recently I tried my friend GR2 and found image was really really good far away from gx100. But, no action can be taken since economy tsunami...... If you have more than one dc, to have one to be for high speed ir camara.... I think it's not a bad idea.
ronaldlaw 發表於 2009-2-5 14:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
真係有多部無用既先敢玩, 始終有比自己拆壞既風險.