見咁s hing 買得咁過穩,我又買返一隻 24k Round Up, 不買還可,一買就出禍。
用部 EL34 及對3" Fostex 座地. 嘩, 完全唔係波.
3" 即係3" 平時聽人聲都幾好.
一聽d手槍聲, 須不至於變"豆槍" 但係完全俾唔到d 氣勢!
各位以為係 副amp 問題多d 定係對3"座地 問題多d 呢???
可采今天都入了"尢雅" 隻老歌, 都算買到好嘢! 見咁s hing 買得咁過穩,
我又買返一隻 24k Round Up, 不買還可,一買就出禍。
用部 EL34 及對3" Fostex 座地 ...
chanwt 發表於 2011-12-27 20:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
三條女得一支槍梗喂吾飽{:6_174:} ,講完笑{:6_176:}
Audio Space Mini II
EL34, maybe not enough power to handle , i guess only ^-^ 隻round up真係好考喇叭及amp嘅驅動力,以前玩過幾年hifi,由早初nad2010i合併機加ar210喇叭,後轉用carver平價前後級加monitor audio r14座地喇叭,到最後用冷門ps audio delta100後級加lumley前級推foucs audio fs78座地,分別真係好大。 回復 3# 阿正
同意。呢類amp仔要放爆棚嘢真係唔夠,有時爆一兩下還可,但連續大爆棚場面就無能爲力。 回復 4# raymond430
OK I'll try my tube amp. with Round-up cc {:6_141:} 回復raymond430
OK I'll try my tube amp. with Round-up cc
ez1 發表於 2011-12-28 12:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
小弟都無正式接觸hifi差不多十年了,我都想知道依家d謄機驅動力會否比以前嘅進步! 期待ching報告! 回復 7# raymond430
OK{:6_142:} 回復raymond430
OK I'll try my tube amp. with Round-up cc
ez1 發表於 2011-12-28 12:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
等你report 本帖最後由 ez1 於 2011-12-29 21:41 編輯
回復 9# 阿正
After carefully listen to the sound track 5+7, the sound of gun fire are perfect, didn't found any problem with the output. I'm using JoyVertue JVD60-M and Elac BS-63 which were purchased from a Post76 Ching last month. {:6_142:} (This is very personal judgement)