tatchai 發表於 2011-12-25 03:48

本帖最後由 tatchai 於 2011-12-25 03:51 編輯

回復 10# guly

胆機聽小品人聲真係好鬼正, 可能聽慣左, 有次去DMA 聽CAS 同一曲胡琳真係爭好多...{:6_183:}
不過我只係用緊部細功率合併胆機, 聽ROCK D 既如BEYOND 都唔掂....{:6_202:}
BTW, CHING 部係咩機黎? 快D 出REPORT 啦!!{:6_190:}

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:03

聖誕一早有乜好做?梗係拆禮物啦。之前其實無做功課(應該話做咗第二樣功課),但同鋪頭老世傾完試完一輪,始終suggest 我買這個先,遲d再攪個dac。希望好嘢啦。未得閒開聲,不過睇都夠睇啦。

木搖控,真係有d驚喜。重有brush 和手套,真有心。


Will test with my PC & DAC in my study room later today (maybe) before I've got all the proper cables to wire it up in the living room:

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:10

米赫洛域 發表於 2011-12-24 23:05 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

I guess the answer to this question is, "正" or not is very personal. To me, I've got a full 石 setup, so, I would like to have another "taste". 膽 must give you totally different taste and mood vs 石. Most of the CHing said 前膽後石 is always be the best combination. Which will give you the best balance and get the most benefit out of the 2 types. So, will give it a try.

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:13

kenneth_obee 發表於 2011-12-24 23:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

100% agree. And that's what I did.

And as discussed with the Sales, which we know each other very well, did a quick calculation, if I get this, and later get a cheaper DAC, the quality must be better than I get the expensive DAC with volume control.

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:14

都係上來被毒 law ......
edlsang 發表於 2011-12-24 23:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Ha ha, you mean me or you? Anyway, both la {:6_176:}

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:16

guly 發表於 2011-12-24 23:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Agree, and as mentioned, they are different thing. {:6_182:}

obee 發表於 2011-12-25 10:19

100% agree. And that's what I did.

And as discussed with the Sales, which we know each other very ...
wally 發表於 2011-12-25 10:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Agree, that's the best upgrade path.

benjamin 發表於 2011-12-25 11:18

膽前好靚仔~~ 咩價錢??

obee 發表於 2011-12-25 12:03

好靚仔, 要3千左右吧

wally 發表於 2011-12-25 20:35

好靚仔, 要3千左右吧
kenneth_obee 發表於 2011-12-25 12:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Kenneth 兄果然熟行情 {:6_175:}
開價就36xx, 埋單幾多就睇功力 {:6_138:}
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查看完整版本: 聖誕禮物 - 開箱啦 (Dared SL-2000A 膽 PreAmp)

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