NAS -> Audio-GD NFB-2.1
Audio-GD 做緊特價, 我想買台NFB-2.1 部 NAS 駁落去, 再出AMP. 唔知有冇師兄試過, 效果如何?
如果有師兄想買野, 請PM 我, 等我問下有冇9折.
NAS -> Audio-GD NFB-2.1
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 同DACmagic比,有乜pos & cons{:6_141:}
NAS -> Audio-GD NFB-2.1
我反而想知2.1和3.1的分別晌邊- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 我反而想知2.1和3.1的分別晌邊
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ton_ton_ton 發表於 2011-12-24 16:32
我都想知呀.唔知有冇邊位師兄有經驗呢. {:6_182:} 我反而想知2.1和3.1的分別晌邊
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ton_ton_ton 發表於 2011-12-24 16:32
應該係用料唔同,audio-gd 係走分析路線, 雙wm8741 帶小厚聲。 我反而想知2.1和3.1的分別晌邊
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ton_ton_ton 發表於 2011-12-24 16:32
個官方網有講, 主要用料唔同, 好似3.1用料好啲, 但做緊promo平過2.1{:6_175:}
1, What's different between NFB-2.1 and NFB-3.1?
The main differences are as follow:
1, The NFB-3.1 applies 2 groups of class A parallel connection PSU supplied for analog output stage, (the analog output stage power supply is very important, so we keep the 2 groups of class A parallel connection PSU here). Another 5 groups of linear PSU's supplied for other parts.
The NFB-2.1 applies 6 groups class A parallel connection PSU for the whole gear, and 1 linear PSU for the control parts.
2, The NFB-3.1 applies a toroidal transformer, the NFB-2.1 applies an R-core transformer.
3, The NFB-3.1 applies mostly 1% SMD resistors and caps, the NFB-2.1 applies mostly DALE resistors and WIMA caps. 回復 7# galleryng
galleryng, 多謝你既意見. 好似個 promotion 做完左.... NFB 2.1 貴D lu. 正喎!
- 發送自我的 iPhone
ton_ton_ton 發表於 2011-12-24 14:14
ton_ton_ton, 如果你係諗住一齊買的話, 你買邊個 Model ar? 我會send email 問下 audio-gd 有冇9折. 回復galleryng
galleryng, 多謝你既意見. 好似個 promotion 做完左.... NFB 2.1 貴D lu.
alva 發表於 2011-12-25 12:35
唔係喎, 見到個價3.1仲係平啲喎{:6_141:}