The Skin I Live In <我的華麗皮囊> (實物圖) Ching fast to buy it ! {:6_193:} Ching fast to buy it !edlsang 發表於 2011-12-24 09:27
It's not out yet. Won't be out 'til next week. But I know some people that know some people that robbed some people...... just kidding {:1_253:} so nice... ! wanna buy this disc either! is it region b locked? so nice... ! wanna buy this disc either! is it region b locked?
nihilist 發表於 2011-12-24 10:43
by the looks of it.... yes is region b locked.. 呢隻同隻 Melancholia 都有興趣, 到時考慮一齊訂, 話唔定會到時會有價減, 14.99 磅雖然未減 VAT, 但都偏貴. {:1_351:} GOOD MOVIE{:1_326:} 回復 1# Rorschach
有中文?????? 好唔好睇?
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Masondamon 發表於 2011-12-26 05:25
is good.. not mind not everyone cup of tea...