坦白講由於工作需要Bluetooth對我非常重要{:6_183:} 多年來都買過不同牌子貴平都有{:6_238:} 剛好今次旅行我選擇(自駕遊)需要一隻有Multipoint及A2DP等等既功能!來配合汽車導航指示,經過多位朋友極力推薦哩隻(竟然都係影音產品,始終離不開這個圈{:6_194:} )價錢真係有D肉赤{:6_192:} 不過,當聽過效果之後!一個字(值){:6_193:} 幾錢入手呀 ? 最喜歡音樂品牌之一:正{:6_139:} 回復 2# edlsang$1200 仲要專門店訂先有仲要指明要左耳定右耳{:6_121:} 真係吹脹{:6_125:} 回復 4# emuho888
咁先顯得高貴 ! {:6_174:} 坦白講由於工作需要Bluetooth對我非常重要 多年來都買過不同牌子貴平都有 剛好今次旅行 ...
emuho888 發表於 2011-12-23 23:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Multipoint及A2DP <--呢二個功能可以講多小小嗎??
THX~{:6_195:} Multipoint: A Bluetooth Headset can connect more than one device at the same time.
e.g. Connect 汽車導航 and Mobile at same time.
Definition of "A2DP"
The Advanced Audio Distribution Profile is a Bluetooth profile that allows for the wireless transmission of stereo audio from an A2DP source (typically a phone or computer) to an A2DP receiver (a set of Bluetooth headphones or stereo system). Such devices typically also support the AVRCP profile as well in order to allow for track selection and such. A common misconception is that A2DP support is available on all Bluetooth 2.0 devices, which is not the case, and that A2DP is only available on Bluetooth 2.0 devices, which is also not true. A2DP support can exist in older versions of Bluetooth, it just was not commonly supported. (Info From Web)
{:6_190:} 『Multipoint』 ~ 即係多個一部電話或流動裝置可以用
『A2DP 』全名是『Advenced Audio Distribution Profile 』藍芽音頻傳輸模型拹定。『A2DP 』規定了使用藍芽非同步傳輸信道方式,傳輸高質量音樂文件數據的拹議堆棧軟件和使用方法,基於該拹議就能通過以藍芽方式傳事輸高品質的音樂了,例如可以利用立體聲藍芽耳機或藍芽音響設備來收聽音樂了。
小瑟 發表於 2011-12-24 00:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif 麻煩哂以上兩位ching既解釋{:6_162:}雖然巿面上有哩個公能其他牌子都有(例如P字頭專門出藍芽新型號M155,我用左一日立即二手放售{:6_159:}Bose哩隻有一個功能係自己會因應當時現場環境來改變咪高峯內聲音有需要自己會加大或減少{:6_193:} 有無型號可以聽埋歌?
麻煩哂以上兩位ching既解釋雖然巿面上有哩個公能其他牌子都有(例如P字頭專門出藍芽新型號M155,我 ...
emuho888 發表於 2011-12-24 03:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif