Copper Colour EX126HE vs Furutech FP-15A
Any Ching knows which one is better in terms of sonic character and sound performance?Copper Colour HIFI插座 EX126HE精品美标插座 镀金插座 墙插
vs 睇牌面我信古記{:6_188:} furutech 要幾銀呀? 本帖最後由 ckw3031 於 2011-12-23 10:34 編輯
如玩牆蘇,一係就買最普通的Hubbell IG8300,否則就直上Wattgate 381或古河GTX等頂級。
唔好玩中間嗰D,只能好多小小音色或表現。 Wattage 抵玩啲 Thanks for the suggestions.
How about if I want to diy a power bar? What are the good choices? 古河GTX is really expensive!! Thanks for the suggestions.
How about if I want to diy a power bar? What are the good choices? 古河 ...
sokwan 發表於 2011-12-23 10:48
How many budget use on the socket? How many socket will be used? Wattage 抵玩啲
doublez 發表於 2011-12-23 10:39
我也用咗好耐Wattgate 381,見人地話一定要試GTX,話聾嘅都聽到分別,忍唔住入隻試左,一裝上去末煲已KO咗381,不用ABAB比較。
價錢係貴過381,但出來的效果也成正比, 回復 8# ckw3031
Wattgate你指金定銀 I read from Furutech website that there are GTX-S and GTX-D and there are R and G versions for each of them. What are their differences?