發表於 2009-7-6 14:21
發表於 2009-7-6 14:45
Dear Customer
We are writing to inform you that the price for the item
'Night Watch/Day Watch ' - ASIN: B001CRRAIA
was displayed incorrectly at the timeyou placed the above referenced order.
Despite our best efforts, with the millions of items available on our website, pricing errors can occasionally occur.
In our Pricing and Availability Policy (see http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/1040614), we state that where an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we contact the customer before dispatching.
All affected orders have now been cancelled. If you still wish to purchase this item, please place a new order online as from tomorrow, which will be charged at the correct price, when we dispatch it to you.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by this error, and rest assured that we will continue to make every effort to maintain the accuracy of all prices on our site.
We look forward to serving you again in the future.
Warmest regards,
Customer Service Department
Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.Please do not reply to this message.
發表於 2009-7-6 16:15
Night Watch/Day Watch is now listing at £8.67 in UK Amazon and this price is not correct?
Does it mean that even if you order it now, Amazon will cancel your order due to errors in pricing?
發表於 2009-7-6 18:04
我係兩個月前到連異獸戰,28日/月後一齊洛order的. 因三套boxset都係好似£9.xx.
但最後就話Night Watch/Day Watch 個 price was displayed incorrectly. 出反個mail
比我之後剩係寄左異獸戰同28日/月後. 宜家唔知喇...........
發表於 2009-7-6 22:28
本帖最後由 wilson 於 2009-7-7 00:32 編輯
Night Watch/Day Watchis now listing at £8.67 in UK Amazon and this price is not correct?
Does it mean that even if you order it now, Amazon will cancel your order due to errors in pricing?
Fabregas 發表於 2009-7-6 16:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
發表於 2009-7-6 23:44
This low price for 2 movies, it's a bargain!
Are the ttwo movies OK?
發表於 2009-7-7 00:29
本帖最後由 wilson 於 2009-7-7 00:43 編輯
216# Fabregas
Quite good!{:6_142:}
Both discs are all code. All SF (director's audio commentary on Night Watch included) have optional english subtitles! {:6_193:}
發表於 2009-7-7 00:43
{:1_335:} MUST BUY.. only HK$155 for two disc.. !!
發表於 2009-7-7 00:45
Kylie Minogue - Kylie Live X2008 Price Change Back to £13.98 now http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0027UY8D6/ref=ox_ya_oh_product
發表於 2009-7-7 01:07
月黑高飛 !!! ONE of my love movie .... selling at lower price @ Canada Amazon .... WITH CHINESE SUBTITLE !!