sokwan 發表於 2012-1-12 14:37

Wilmer, thanks a lot for your comments. I might go to church to do some confession about my greed someday.

You are right that I should not focus on the unnecessary functionalities (e.g. usb support, up-sampling), which are not essential to enjoyment of music, just like we should not care much about the re-selling values of a product. Maybe, I have been too old and too poor to care so much every cent I am going to spend. I am sorry to bother you so much and feel grateful for every advice you gave.

Since you are not willing to sell me any of your products anymore, I might stick to my poor Lite DAC and decade-old 20W tube amp this moment.

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-12 15:29

Wilmer, thanks a lot for your comments. I might go to church to do some confession about my greed so ...
sokwan 發表於 2012-1-12 14:37

我前面講過我賣野包生仔,明知 will not satisfy you 勸你三思同 not willing sell you 係兩回事,唔好講到我咁大支野,我係長期荷包乾硬化同急性發錢寒{:6_174:}

obee 發表於 2012-1-14 14:14

5i-A 行 HDMI 接 AV amp 剩係睇戲
5i-A 行 I2S 或 RCA、BNC、AES/EBU 接 5i-10 出膽機剩係聽歌

或(AV a ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-11 15:18

咁請問5I-A 可唔可以RCA 直入av amp 後級?

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-14 14:33

咁請問5I-A 可唔可以RCA 直入av amp 後級?
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-1-14 14:14

可以,5i-A 有 volume,只係冇得校音場

obee 發表於 2012-1-14 14:50

可以,5i-A 有 volume,只係冇得校音場
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-14 14:33


Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-14 14:58

咁可唔可以駁呢部呢? ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-1-14 14:50


hutmonkey 發表於 2012-1-15 08:59

馬爺.快D度過5i-10 現有客户優惠啦.{:1_253:}

bb1668 發表於 2012-1-27 18:10

Dear Wilmer,

Very interested in the product on offer.

Is there any place in Hong Kong I can have an audition of this great machine?

Further, it will be great if I can also listen to 世纪格雷 5i-A/AD at the same time.

halfnew 發表於 2012-1-31 17:27

前言:在決定為世紀格雷 5i-A 高清播放器重開封筆多年的測評工作之前,筆者內心是經過了一翻鬥爭,雖然筆者 ...
Wilmer威馬 發表於 2011-12-17 11:51

馬爺, 想問下吧部野幾大部, 高幾多及濶幾多, 謝謝!

Wilmer威馬 發表於 2012-1-31 17:48

Dear Wilmer,

Very interested in the product on offer.

Is there any place in Hong Kong I can have a ...
bb1668 發表於 2012-1-27 18:10

Later I will arrange, right now only have 5i-A + 5i-10
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