A friend told me Mytek DAC is very good at that price range around 12k. The sound feature is bit warm and thick. I am not sure though, but I will go and check it out before Christmas. 買左返黎五日,煲機3-40小時後。。。。高音好剌耳,低音又唔夠。。。樂器聲含糊。。。
用返部yamaha v1800 ...
karsonkwan 發表於 2011-12-14 18:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果當時得,但去到你屋企唔得!可能係週邉啲器材唔夾,或者部機未調好! 回復 18# kenneth_obee
Melody Super88 .........比唔到我期待既野
小弟愚見,聽d 師兄們講膽機好敏銳,容易受干擾,所以好嘅電源,好嘅訊源係好重要!讚成,樓主的訊源及線材更有空間提升,希望師兄能享受到火力全開的super88
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復yinlung
係解碼器rca out落部amp?
karsonkwan 發表於 2011-12-14 19:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
YUP or TV out 回復 22# tomc
當然有試過demo unit,低音強勁,人聲聽到直頭唔想行開。。。佢地用12" 路ads 喇叭,自家品牌旦cdp 先買部 CDP 作播放器先 la !
吾好用 PS3............{:6_194:}
Melody Super88 .........比唔到我期待既野
真係唔贊成買dac or換speaker?- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 買左返黎五日,煲機3-40小時後。。。。高音好剌耳,低音又唔夠。。。樂器聲含糊。。。
用返部yamaha v1800 ...
karsonkwan 發表於 2011-12-14 18:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
膽機都會剌耳?{:6_141:} if you use ipod /ps 3 and connect it to surround av amp, the sound seems to be better and thicker because the EQ function will add something to the source.
But if you put your ipod to some better amplifier which has a higher ability to 放大 the source. At that time, the sound of poor source will be 放大. Usually poor cdp has the sound features of lean(thin),dry, coarse and sometimes not balanced in terms of high,mid and low pitch.
Speakercables and RCA cables could help but the quality of the source still plays a very important role.{:1_332:}