請教 oppo 93 or 95 or CA 751
本身玩緊兩聲道聽歌,器才ca840c & ca840a V2 ,上得黎多~想學人玩埋AV(其實係自已不知不覺中左毒),但又想聽歌,已經購入P記 LX-83,想請問各ching們意見,而家想入手BDP:
1.如淨用CA 751 或 oppo 95 來睇戲加XLR落CA840c 聽歌(但會放840c)這可行嗎?聲音差別大嗎?
2.照留反低840C & 840A 來聽歌,再買部93來睇戲(70%)演唱會(30%)
3.狂想法,照留反低840C & 840A 來聽歌,照入oppo 95 一步到位,新手試玩影音半分家{:1_332:} 用方案2得嫁啦,反正你都分開家,唔好攪到咁複雜!{:6_188:} I recommend 方案2 too.
One of my friends was using 840C + 840A + ProAc 1sC. He sold his 840C and bought 95. He told me, the sound is really different when listening CD. 95 sounds thinner, it's not as warm as 840C. So if you like 840C's sound, you won't like 95's sound charactiristics.
Finally, he sold his 95, bought Naim CD and 93. This is just for your reference. In my opinion, you better keep 840C, and buy 93 or LX-55 {:1_259:} 回復 2# avlam
thx~其實我都覺得等2係最合適{:1_335:} 回復avlam
lo-b 發表於 2011-12-13 13:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
話晒辛苦錢嚟!唔好亂使呀 !{:6_188:} 2nd method is right ! 回復 5# avlam
咁又真係呀~有血有汗架!!! 回復avlam
lo-b 發表於 2011-12-13 13:50 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果有錢玩就唔使唸買晒最好嘅!!!{:6_188:} 本帖最後由 popo388 於 2011-12-13 14:14 編輯
lo-b 發表於 2011-12-13 13:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching 會用2套前置, 還是 LX83 pre-out to ca840 用同1套前置? 回復 8# avlam